Oct 18, 2006 20:12
* means I didn't make it up.
Who is the most organized person in a church?
The Organist.
When a car or a bike gets a new tire would it still be useable?
No because it's retired.
* If you ever see cats on a beach that means it's Christmas time because they have sandy clause.
If anyone thinks I ask so many Questions, just call me Question Mark.
One day at work I was polishing the church pews. People like the smell of the polish I used. I said well I guess we won't have to call them pews anymore.
*I was talking to my brother in law on the phone. I asked him to put my sister on and I over heard him say the phone is
dirty, theres a Mark on it.
For my birthday one year I got a Patriots waste barrel. I said it's a nice gift but a waste, you didn't have to throw away your money for it.
Who else besides Santa Clause says ho ho ho?
The Jolly Green Giant.
*A friend once asked me if I would like a hurs dounut. I said yes, he gives me a small punch and said hurs dounut.
When I get shown wher the lights switches are I wonder where are the heavy switches.
One sunday at church before the service started the minister asked me move stands for the flags in different places.
I said I can't stand it.
I like the puns I come up with. They're punderful.