Apr 09, 2006 22:50
Hello my lj friends. How are you all? I haven't been online very much this past week. Last sunday I found out my Granduncle Carl passed away. Later that day I had a couple of friends over to watch wrestlemania. My favorite match was the Undertaker's win over Mark Henry in a casket match. The Undertaker remains undefeated with a wrestlemania record of 14-0. I also enjoyed Rey Mysterio becoming the heavyweight champion, and Mickey James becoming the woman's champion.
The following Monday my Mother and I started our trip to attend the funeral in Berne IN. During the arival and returning home we dealed with things like flight cancellations because of weather and our luggage being missed placed but everything was solved. Even though it was a sad event it was so good to see alot of my relatives. I'm blessed to have such a great family. Indiana is where most of my relatives are and I always enjoy visiting there. I know Uncle Carl is now in a much better place but I'll tell you visiting Indiana isn't gonna be the same without him.