Apr 02, 2009 01:44
The tiny African island nation of Genosha is never quite what its controllers want it to be. The occupying forces of ULTIMATUM, the Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army To Unite Mankind, have been learning that the hard way in their many months of control of the land. Their goal had been to show the world the fallacy of national borders and out-of-control patriotism, to establish a new and unique society that would become a model for a new world order of no nations, under none. A grand experiment in self-reliance, harmonious co-existence and man's pure humanity to man, with no central controlling government, and thus no power for any short-sighted egotistical fools to become obsessed with obtaining.
That was the goal.
After more than a year of rebuilding the infrastructure that was devastated by the mysterious Super-Sentinel attack that eradicated Magneto's control over the island, the situation was still tenuous at best. Projects were still being worked on, but a good portion of the citizenry was alternately impatient and distrustful - not the sort of foundation upon which a new shining beacon to the rest of humanity. The roads were new, running water was plentiful, and the disenfranchised mutates were being taken care of and rehabilitated, but there is still lingering resentment between mutants and humans, which ULTIMATUM isn't particularly equipped to deal with extensively. This, in turn, leads the more irritable members of the army - those who used the ideals of the cause as rationalization to allow them to conscientiously join a gun-toting paramilitary organization - to view a lot of their charges as ungrateful and unworthy of their efforts, and repeatedly attempt to force tolerance into the minds of the ignorant, which only strengthens the resentment. The growing missing person reports only add to the general feeling of suspicion.
It's this national mood that permeates the people of Genosha, and makes things difficult for the achievement of dreams. Nightmares are what truly await.
mr. sinister,