They should have heeded
the warning of the Shi'ar.
On the edge of sector 4821, a fierce battle raged between the Kree and Skulls. Each side was so caught up with annihilating the other that they failed to realize that they crossed over into Shi'ar space.
The Shi'ar, however, were very aware.
They gave no further warning. They also gave no quarter. The massive armada that was holding in orbit around Feather's Edge attacked both the Kree and Skrull ships. Already weakened from fighting each other, neither the Kree or Skrulls stood a chance against such a force.
There were no survivors.
Against such an overwhelming display of force, the Shi'ar had assumed that neither the Kree nor Skrulls would want any further conflict. They assumed wrong.
The Kree and the Skrulls resumed their centuries long war with each other, unhindered by the loss of so many soldiers. In addition to attacking each other, though, each side began launching offensives into Shi'ar space.
Whether they had wanted it or not, the Shi'ar Imperium was now at war.