Apr 24, 2008 12:06
It had taken awhile, but permission had finally been granted. And in Xavin's mind it was not a moment to soon. It always struck him as odd that he, the Prince Regent of his home world should have to wait on permission for anything, but so many things had to be taken care of before he could go anywhere.
Defenses had to be fortified. A decoy for himself had to be found. It would do his forces no favors if it leaked out he was on a... personal mission. And other things had to be put in order. Finally all that had to be done was done.
All that had to be made ready, was made ready. Under the table deals with the other side, a treaty drawn up and ready and for once his heart almost felt at ease.
There was only one thing missing.
Tracing her life signs, flying over the Human city of Los Angeles, Xavin felt... uplifted. Excited. Hopeful. With only a childhood photo of his betrothed, a memory and an energy signature to trace he wondered what he would find when he landed.
Almost there...
She was very close now. And he had to wonder if she had dreamed of him, the way he often did of her. Or if she knew how lucky she was to be untainted by the war her people raged.
He locked on to the energy reading. It didn't even occur to him to cloak his ship as he flew lower to the ground. "I'm here, my love."
molly hayes,
chase stein,
victor mancha,
karolina dean,
nico minoru