A short time later, Captain America's traveling party is loaded into a helicopter and taken from the one functioning airport toward the real damage. You can't miss Ground Zero from the sky, but they don't move too close to it.
They do seem to be true to their word, though. Debris has been cleared and gathered to a central location at the capital city's harbor, and a disturbing amount of it is composed of giant charred metal shards, a dark purple tint to them in places.
It may bring to mind the images of London after the heaviest Nazi raids. Neighborhoods have been destroyed utterly, buildings turned to rubble in what passes for suburbs in Genosha. The further from Ground Zero they go, the more it looks like the outlying neighborhoods had debris and meteoric chunks of superheated metal raining down upon them for hours, and it still looks harsh.
The helicopter's flight allows them to see it from a distance. Redwing's flight, however, will show ULTIMATUM tearing down the remnants of Magneto's residence. Removing all trace of the mutant's rule.
Tigra stared at the carnage. She had to keep herself from balling her hands into fists so she didn't scratch herself with her claws. "If whoever did this isn't dead they'll wish they'll be." She growled.
There is a newcomer to the scene. Someone who is not so easily contained nor as likely to play nice. Namor has flown into the area on his own and is looking down at the carnage. The expression on his face is darker than any seen there in some time.
They're tearing down his house. Namor has no lost love for Magneto but the method of this seems extremely disrespectful. And very little angers the Avenging Son faster. Perhaps wanton destruction and the deaths of innocents would but that is obvious in the wreckage below as well.
"If you ordered the Sub-Mariner to violate our airspace like this, we could legally interpret it as a breach of protocol and an offense we could register with the United Nations," the captain admonishes.
"Our airspace?" Cap raises his brows at this. "Still, if you want to register an offense with the United Nations, he is an Atlantean citizen, and no more than a reserve Avenger. He is not here on our orders." He looks back towards the rubble. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find some people. Where would you like me to get started?"
Quasar is beginning to get ill-at-ease with these Ultimatum folks, and it shows. Silently, he directs his quantum bands to monitor and decode local communication signals as best they can.
"Our airspace, sir. As the only stabilizing and controlling force on the island, we have registered with the United Nations for sovereign status. Considering the undeniable fact that, when last the Avengers came to Genosha on a diplomatic mission, you aided and abetted a bloody coup, we would hope you would consider our hospitality to be above and beyond the call of duty. If you see fit to abuse our grace, we will take you straight back to the airport and escort you off the island, sir."
A brief pause.
"All due respect, of course. We'll be touching down shortly, and we will need help with clearing rubble, retrofitting and stabilizing buildings with structural integrity damage, as well as transporting food and supply shipments through blocked areas."
Quasar's monitoring of their communications will reveal that another party is indeed listening to the conversation aboard the helicopter, and giving the captain subtle cues.
Falcon had stayed behind inside the Quinjet, not wanting the ULTIMATUM soldiers to see him without Redwing. Wouldn't want them to figure out what they were doing.
After doing a sweep of ground zero, Redwing flies outside of the blast zone, to get a look at the condition and treatment of the remaining citizens.
Redwing's flight will eventually pick up the man they suspect would be here - the founder of Ultimatum. The man who calls himslf the Flag Smasher.
He is walking with a platoon of his men toward the touchdown site of the helicopter carrying the rest of the Avengers. Prepared to greet them personally.
You can't miss Ground Zero from the sky, but they don't move too close to it.
They do seem to be true to their word, though. Debris has been cleared and gathered to a central location at the capital city's harbor, and a disturbing amount of it is composed of giant charred metal shards, a dark purple tint to them in places.
It may bring to mind the images of London after the heaviest Nazi raids. Neighborhoods have been destroyed utterly, buildings turned to rubble in what passes for suburbs in Genosha. The further from Ground Zero they go, the more it looks like the outlying neighborhoods had debris and meteoric chunks of superheated metal raining down upon them for hours, and it still looks harsh.
The helicopter's flight allows them to see it from a distance. Redwing's flight, however, will show ULTIMATUM tearing down the remnants of Magneto's residence. Removing all trace of the mutant's rule.
They're tearing down his house. Namor has no lost love for Magneto but the method of this seems extremely disrespectful. And very little angers the Avenging Son faster. Perhaps wanton destruction and the deaths of innocents would but that is obvious in the wreckage below as well.
"Looks like you lost one of your Avengers, sir," one of the soldiers says to Captain America.
He's hoping that they didn't find Redwing... who Falcon should have sent out for scouting by now.
A brief pause.
"All due respect, of course. We'll be touching down shortly, and we will need help with clearing rubble, retrofitting and stabilizing buildings with structural integrity damage, as well as transporting food and supply shipments through blocked areas."
Quasar's monitoring of their communications will reveal that another party is indeed listening to the conversation aboard the helicopter, and giving the captain subtle cues.
After doing a sweep of ground zero, Redwing flies outside of the blast zone, to get a look at the condition and treatment of the remaining citizens.
He is walking with a platoon of his men toward the touchdown site of the helicopter carrying the rest of the Avengers. Prepared to greet them personally.
"Excuse me, sir," the speaker inside politely says. "Please regroup with your fellow Avengers."
Namor looks toward the flimsy craft with more than a little disdain.
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