Aug 27, 2006 14:42
A couple weeks ago, they pulled two bullets out of his side, one of which came dangerously close to puncturing a lung.
Today, he's back at work. He can feel his pistol strapped to his side -- too tight next to bandaged ribs. There's a spark of pain up and down his side every time he moves. Frankly, if he didn't hate TV so much, he'd have taken more of his time off. But there's a job to do, and no one else is going to do it whiles he's laid up.
He steps into the briefing room. A seven-person panel sits at a horseshoe-shaped table. All of their faces are obscured in shadow, and he doesn't have to look too closely tell they're all armed, too. Rusk ... the Skull ... had done a number on Washington. Too many important people were mortified by what he pulled off. A lot of people say the Avengers won that day, but he knew better. Paranoia was running high.
You look well, Henry
"Yeah, thanks. This the new status quo, then?"
You will not know whom you report to, no. All mutant and superhuman intelligence are being consolidated into a Homeland Security oversight committee. You will not know the composition of that committee. You will pass on intelligence in person, and you will receive orders. There will be no discussion. Any discussion you feel necessary will be routed to the Executive Office.
Right, so that's how the game's going to be played, is it?
"So what's our threat down? The Skull?"
The Skull is to be considered neutralized at this time.
"What? That's insane? Even after the Avengers beat him, he's still got spies inside ..."
There will be no discussion, Henry. This man is to be considered Public Enemy No. 1.
A holographic image of Magneto appears. Gyrich takes a deep breath, but says nothing.
The United States is weighing its options with Codename: Magneto. He is, by all means of describing the term, a terrorist and now a despot. But there is strategic value in recognizing his sovereignty over Genosha.
Gyrich bristles, but pushes it back.
"All right ... I can understand that, but ..."
The mutants are forming a power base, Henry, their own institutions, nations and corporations. We stand at a precipice of undreamed of social change. The United States needs to decide whether to recognize these power structures, or to treat them as hostile entities. It will be your job to assist in that assessment.
"I see..."
You will continue your work with the Avengers, to better bring them under our thumb. You will maintain clear lines of communication with the X-Men. If need be, you will be assigned agents of your own.
Gyrich says nothing.
It's a new world order, Henry. And it needs to be ours.
"I understand."
henry peter gyrich