Mystique stares at the HellHouse. This is why she has minions.
This is where she acquires minions. Her current lot need a few more weeks to stew in jail after the bullshit they pulled while she was in Genosha. She'll break them out when she needs some muscle or when they stop whining about paid vacation leave, whichever comes first. Right
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He glances over to his Nutella.
"You sure about this, Weaz?"
...She'll protect me from your psychotic past lays...
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"You realize you can slip sexual favors as payment into the fine print of the contract, right?"
"Who's to say I haven't?"
...Please, Mystique, don't blow this...
She takes a long drink from her Heinekin.
"Mind you, Chinchilla is a contractor."
"Freelance always does have the best perks, I've found."
Wait, is he FLIRTING with her? After watching her force-feed Fenway a bottle of Roach's piss?
Sure looks like that.
"Two conditions," he says, finally, glancing at Mystique. "One, spare him any of your Mutie Superior schtick. Treat him like he has the mutant power of excessive drool. Two, at least give him a peep show at some point, because it only helps your cause of sapien subservience anyway."
Plus, he wants to hear about what color the nipples are.
She holds out her hand, a little surprised Deadpool didn't ask for a peep show of his own. Of course, Fred uploaded her and Irene's home movies to BitTorrent, so he's probably already seen it.
He'll leave the asking for peek-a-boos to the truly desperate.
For some reason, he's feeling some weird sort of 'hope-for-the-future' vibe. It's new, and he doesn't know what to make of it.
"S'alright, Monty Hall. Look, Fenway's dressed as a giant vegetable," he blurts, as C.F. carries Fenway's unconscious body into Patch's back room.
Patch ain't happy. He's got the Bactine.
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