Since the issue's been out for a while now, I thought I'd ask people what they think of the first issue of Balls to the Wall.
Personally, I'm pretty excited to see where Millar takes this series, since he's already established quite early just how widespread this dressing up as heroes and villains trend is.
Opening the comic with Mindy training Dave was brilliant, I thought. I really loved the gruffness of her calling him a pussy as this way of her over-compensating for her lack of a super alter ego at this point in her life. And I audibly laughed in line at the comic book store about her hiding an AK-47 in a teddy bear.
I also loved seeing Dave's naivete again, particularly in his dealings with hoodlums and the superhero he patrols with, and I especially loved Todd and Marty being dork-perverts again in conversation.
I'm less fond of the way the first issue ended. It felt rather anti-climactic to me, and I really, really hope that Millar doesn't force us to get to know all the heroes in the mini-league. I honestly could care less about the adults who do this sort of thing. It's far more fascinating to see young people coming into their own in a world of their own creation, i.e. dressing themselves in the trappings of fictional worlds they've always admired.
The brief flash forward caught me off-guard. I'm not sure who was in the coma, though I'm certain it's a character we already know. The hair made me think it was Red Mist, but unless he and Dave actually come to love one another, I kinda doubt it. I'm inclined to think it might be Marty, since I remember Millar tweeting to Clark Duke that Marty would have a larger role in the second series, but I've no clue, really.
Share your thoughts in the comments, and if you haven't picked it up yet, I highly recommend doing so. This first issue is a nice introduction to the new world, and Romita and Palmer contribute some especially beautiful art, the process of which is explained a little in a bonus at the end.