Fic: //break// Kate x Tommy, rated M (Young Avengers)

May 06, 2012 17:45

Title: //break//
Comic: Young Avengers, Avengers: Children's Crusade
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: holligenet
Rating: R
Word Count: 7,356
Type: Divergent, Het, Angst, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Kate Bishop, Tommy Shepherd, Mrs. Bradley, Kate/Tommy, with implied Kate/Eli, Billy/Teddy
Warnings: character death, mention of past assault, sexual situations
Disclaimer: Marvel owns all.
Notes: Written for the "mini bang" claim for yabigbang. This story is divergent from Avengers: Children's Crusdade #8 and anything implied to have happened after #9 is guesswork. Thanks to airspaniel for the Beta job.
Summary: A loss shakes apart the team, and Kate tries to subdue the guilt as she turns to Tommy for comfort.

[ //break//]
[ //break// artwork by holligenet]

young avengers, rated m, avengers

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