Hi folks! I’m one of your moderators,
wizefics. You can contact me at bewize @ yahoo . com (no spaces!).
hockeyiris has also graciously offered to help, and the pretty community format is thanks to her. Feel free to bug her at hockeyiris @ gmail . com.
General InfoTo sign up, you'll make three requests. For each one, you'll request a crossover of up to three
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Comments 31
LJ name: second_batgirlEmail address: second_batgirl @ livejournal . com ( ... )
LJ name: likeadeuceEmail address: karabair at gmail.com ( ... )
LJ name: joanne_c
Email address: bennmatt @ gmail.com
Movies to be crossed: X-Men/Daredevil
Character/pairing request 1: Scott Summers (Cyclops)/Matt Murdock
Specific request: Slash or gen featuring these two interacting. AU is very good. I do not want cheating on their SOs - open relationships or AU or setting it at appropriate canonical points all work for me.
Movies to be crossed: X-Men/Iron Man
Character/pairing request 2: Jean Grey/Pepper Potts
Specific request: Femslash between these two. If you can't do femslash, gen would be acceptable if you can only write these two characters. I do not want Jean cheating on Scott - but I could see Scott and Jean having an understanding.
Movies to be crossed: Spider-Man/Iron Man
Character/pairing request 3: Norman Osborn (NOT Green Goblin)/Tony Stark ( ... )
LJ name: harmonyangelEmail address: destroythemeek@gmail.com ( ... )
You can request Deadpool now, by the way, since he was in Wolverine. :)
LJ name: xenokattz
Email address: xenokattzlj[at]gmail[dot]com
Movies to be crossed: Incredible Hulk/X-Men
Character/pairing request 1: Hank McCoy, Bruce Banner.
Specific request: I was so sure "Mr. Blue" was Hank. Make it so in an AU. Bonus points for squintscience-speak!
Movies to be crossed: X-Men/Iron Man
Character/pairing request 2: Pepper Potts
Specific request: Gen or romance. Pepper Potts' latent mutant power manifests after X2. Bonus points if there is snarking with Scott Summers about managing people.
Movies to be crossed: X-Men/XMO:Wolverine
Character/pairing request 3: Gambit, Wolverine. Bonus points if Storm or Rogue heavily figures in the story. Double bonus points if both do. Quadruple bonus points if Deadpool is involved somehow.
Specific request: Gen or romance. Gambit did Logan a favour, flying him to The Island. Now he needs something in return.
At least three movies you are willing to write about (from at least two different franchises): X-Men/XMO, Iron Man, Spiderman I & II (haven't seen III but I ( ... )
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