Title: Something Faintly Sweeter (Part Six)
stardustcities and
invaderwitchFandom: X-Men First Class RPF
Pairing: James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender
Rating: NC17
Word Count (this part): 8700
Summary: Wealthy CEO Michael Fassbender gets more -- much more -- than he bargains for when he hires a beautiful streetwalker named James to be his companion for the week.
Warnings: Pre-fic domestic abuse, explicit sexual content, violence, language, idiots who can't talk about their feelings.
Notes: Based somewhat loosely on
Pretty Woman. Omniscient POV. This story started as a comment fic posted
here at
mcfassy and evolved at an alarming rate. It's complete, but it's also huge and currently being edited, so we're posting in parts.
Part One<<
Part Two<<
Part Three<<
Part Four<<
Part Five It's over. I'm finished with it.