Going YardAuthor name:
azewewish (Brenda)
Beta name:
melle and
ignipesPairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers (various characters from the Avengers and Captain America)
Fandom/Universe: Captain America/The Avengers
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 41,401
Warnings: None
Summary: This is the love story of shortstop Steve Rogers and pitcher Bucky Barnes, estranged childhood best friends about to be reunited on the same team.
This is a love story about New York's other baseball team, the Avengers, and their quest to claim the National League East division title.
This is a love story about going home and new friends and team bonding and first loves and how the people you're the closest to can also drive you the craziest.
But mostly, this is a love story about baseball and the boys of summer who play it.
Fanworker name:
sullacatRating of fanwork: PG
Link to accompanying fanwork master post: