2014 Claims Part 1

Aug 29, 2014 23:42

Hey everyone! We have a ton of great stories up for claims this year. We're really excited about claims!

Now that the deadline has passed, we're putting the summaries up for artists to peruse. The claims don't actually open until Saturday at about 12 noon EST, and please be aware that there may be a few late additions to this list, but we want the fanworkers to have a chance to think about their claims now.

I've tried to divide the stories into three broad categories this year. Canon-Based section is for all fic that follow closely to any of the Marvel canons. This category may include fic that have a few AU aspects (such as soul bonds or A/B/O), but still have the larger picture in tact. The AU section is for fics that completely change the characters and stories such as high school AUs, non-powered AUs, etc. Finally the Crossover and Fusion section is for fic that combine non-Marvel fandoms with Marvel in some way. I've had to make a few judgment calls based on the summaries so if your story is in the wrong category, or is missing, or something else is wrong PM me ASAP so I can fix it.

Important note for authors: please do not tell all of your artist friends what number your story is. The point of a challenge like this is to do blind claims, and while people may recognize your story from snippets you've posted or things you've talked about in the past, please don't give them the exact number of your fic.

This post will be closed to comments until claims open on Saturday. We will post a notice that claims are opening (around 12 noon EST), at which point we will open up the comments and each artist can claim ONE story. Once all the stories have been claimed, or if there are still unclaimed stories by Wednesday, 3 September, we will allow secondary claims.

When requesting your story, please list your top three choices in the order that you want them. Please give both the number and title of the fics you want (e.g., "B1, Begin Again"). The claims will be on a first come, first served basis, and we will do our best to confirm your claim as soon as possible.

Fanworkers, if you are not a member of the comm, please join by filling out the form after you make your claim. If you have any questions, please contact us on our page-a-mod post!

Claims will close on Saturday, 6 September, at 11:59 PM EST. Match-ups will be emailed out after that; it will be up to the author to provide the artist with a copy of their draft at that point. If an author notices that their story has been claimed and confirmed before that point, and wants to send their story to their fanworker before match-ups are sent out, that's fine :)

And now, the summaries!



Title: Winter Soldier's Redemption (working title - definitely changing)
Genre: Action/steampunk AU/romance
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Minor character death off-screen, non-graphic violence
Rating: Mature
Summary: Steve Rogers, former captain of the HMAS America, had been a rising star of the Royal Aerial Fleet until his airship was destroyed. He was pulled from the wreckage, the only survivor, and spent several weeks unconscious in a hospital bed while the world, and the Fleet, moved on without him. Now, he needs a new plan and a new career, both of which Nick Fury is willing to offer as part of his special SHIELD unit inside Scotland Yard.

But while Steve waits to begin his training, Fury has a small mystery he needs some help with. A masked man has been roaming the towns and villages in the south of England, stealing food and breaking into trains and museums without taking anything of value. A man with a metal arm. It's Steve's home ground, the place he grew up in, so he's the perfect choice to investigate Fury's problem. Isn't he?

For visuals, the setting is mainly a slightly steampunk version of Edwardian England. Most of the action takes place in rural settings, with sweeping moors and little villages, although there are a few trips to Edwardian London. There's also an opening sequence involving an airship battle that could be fun for artists to play with. And most importantly, you've got steampunk!Bucky with his amazing metal arm. Steve and Bucky are the main focus, with cameos from other MCU characters along the way.


Title: Untitled (working title has been C/C Actor AU)
Genre: Romance/actor AU/rivals to lovers/angst
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Warnings: Graphic sex
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Until a few months ago, Clint Barton was a successful stunt guy, more used to falling off stuff and making a fight look good than worrying about lines and motivation. Now, he's an award nominated actor (it was a fluke, he swears) about to start the biggest job of his career: co-lead in the eleventh Agent Banks of SHIELD movie, working with the actor he's admired (okay, maybe more than just admired) for years. It should be the best job ever.

Except for a few problems, like his lack of acting experience, and the part where his contract is to take over the SHIELD series after Phil Coulson finishes this last movie. So, no pressure, then.

For fanartists, there are so many options with this fic. Obviously, there's the traditional art or graphics based on the fic. But there's also the possibility of putting together promotional material from the in-universe movie (posters, trailers, soundtracks, etc.) because I was actually obsessive enough to figure out the movie's plot. So really there are a lot of fun options for whatever medium an artist is most comfortable with.


Title: Descent
Genre: Adventure/'Mission' fic, High Fantasy AU
Fandom/Universe: 616 Avengers AU
Characters/Pairings: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Janet Van Dyne/Hank Pym, Thor (Donald Blake)
Warnings: Villain character death
Rating: E for now. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to cut out the (tame) sex scene.

A hundred years ago humanity fled to the skies to escape the Darkness spreading across the land. Now the Flying Cities are mysteriously sinking, imperiling every man, woman, and child who lives there. Together with the transmution mages Henry Pym and Lady Janet Van Dyne, and joined by the amnesiac immortal Dr. Donald Blake, High Wizard Anthony Stark mounts an expedition down into the Dark, determined to uncover the secrets of the magical calamity that wiped humanity from the face of the Earth.

But House Stark has secrets of its own... secrets which may break the company before they can complete their vital task.

Features: Spelunking, airships, a flying city, a great many caves, flashy magic, wizardly towers and Victorian-esque wizardly laboratories, wizards in general, Victorian-esque adventurers in general, flying cities, Slenderman, eyeless bats, gnomes


Title: Journey
Genre: Coffee shop AU, Musician AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Characters/Pairings: Phil Coulson/Clint Barton. Some Jemma Simmons/Skye. Mentions of past Clint/Natasha. Father/Daughter type relationship between Skye and Phil. Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Skye, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Melinda May, Grant Ward.
Warnings: Mentions of a character being mugged. Mentions of a character being given drugs without their knowledge or consent.
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Clint has his guitar, a collection of old greyhound tickets and a journal which he uses to write notes to his ex. What more does he need? Fate washes him up in New York though he’s done his best to avoid it. No big deal, he’ll do the usual. Do some busking, write one song and then leave. Simple.

Then he walks into Phil Coulson’s coffee shop and maybe this won’t be so simple at all.


Title: Venture my way, into the dark
Genre: AU - Ambiguous Era, AU - High School/University, AU - Mortal, Slice of Life → Apocalyptic
Fandom: Marvel
Characters/Pairings: Loki Laufeyson/Steve Rogers, background: Loki Laufeyson/Thor Odinson and Thor Odinson/Tony Stark
Warnings: Awkward Sex, Implied Incest
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Things are going on as usual for Loki, until the day that he meets Steve Rogers... For the first time in Loki's life, someone is trying to 'save' him, or at least that's what he thinks. Normally he would be offended, but there's something about Steve that wills Loki to humor him. It's just before he actually needs saving, that he finds out Steve wasn't trying to be Loki's hero - he just wanted to be his friend.


Title: God Has a Sense of Humor
Genre: AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU/Avengers
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Loki, background Pepper/Tony and Clint/Natasha
Warnings: underage relationship
Rating: T
Summary: Once again the Avengers are facing off against Loki, but the magical shard he was trying to steal gets mishandled and sends the main Avengers team into an alternate reality of the worst sort - a high school AU. With no memory of their previous lives, they're forced to live through the plots of teen movies for an entire year.

Steve is the new student just entering public school for the first time and manages to befriend both the most popular students in school and the outcasts simultaneously. Loki is Steve's best friend, battling a rather poor reputation around the school and doing his best to sabotage the Avengers - the popular group who managed to ruin Loki's prior to Steve's arrival.

This is a high school AU heavily based on Mean Girls and Easy A, with other various high school movie tropes. Being such, much of the fic takes place in high school settings. As a warning, Steve and Loki are teenagers and indulge in underage drinking as well as general tomfoolery, however, there is no underage sex that happens on screen (though there are points where it is implied).


Title: Never Too Late
Genre: kidfic, AU, fluff
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Natasha/Pepper
Warnings: Some references to bullying, some discussion of war, death of parents and child soldiers in a character's backstory.
Rating: PG13
Summary: Natasha is never quite sure if she's doing the right thing in bringing up her daughter, and it doesn't help when she keeps running into Pepper Potts and her perfect child. But as she gets to know Pepper better Natasha realises she might be wrong about her - and about herself as well.


Title: The Shield and Arrow
Genre: AU restaurant/coffee shop, Romance, Drama
Fandom/Universe:the Avengers, Marvels Agents of Shield
Characters/Pairings: Barton/Coulson, Melinda May
Warnings: Pre story death
Rating: T
Summary:When restaurant owner Phil Coulson's estranged husband was killed in a car accident, it came to light just what a financial hole he had left behind him. Nick had gambled their money away and while Phil had naively hoped even after more than six months that they would get back together he never even noticed the money had been flittered away.

Now he has to battle to keep the restaurant open and keep his staff in employment at his own personal and financial expense. Between banks and thuggish debt collectors Phil had to literally fight his way out of trouble. The restaurant chef and Phil's best friend Melinda May gives him as much support as she can and then Phil finds an unlikely friend in the form of Coffee Shop owner Clint Barton. As their friendship continued to grow it started to blossom into something more. So when Clint's landlord sells and the new owners immediately started to put the rent up, they find that they can help each other and start all over again.


Title: I wanna hold your hand
Genre: AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, various side pairings (Raven Xavier/Angel, Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Loki/Thor, Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov)
Warnings: none, except idiots in love? also, enemies-to-lovers, four geniuses with an Oysho addiction, poor Raven's life is the worst, and much ridiculousness on the way to a happy ending and happy new beginnings.
Rating: E
Summary: Tony Stark grows up mostly alone, an oddity, a man defined by his intellect and what he can do for others. Loki Odinson grows up drowning in luxury, and fighting not to lose himself in a family so different from who he is. Charles Xavier - well, Charles has Raven, and thank God for that, because she is the sanest, most mature person he knows, and he would be lost without her. One autumn day in Oxford, those four paths cross, and spring forth a friendship that is sometimes the only thing to keep them sane.

It's to Raven that the task falls of keeping Steve Rogers and Tony Stark from tearing out each other's throats, and the three idiot boys she lives with from setting the house on fire and breaking the city - and she must be as crazy as they are, because she wouldn't give it up for the world.

Follow our four geniuses through meeting, bonding, moving in together, and fighting their way to the people who make their lives even better. With bonus rowing teams, various Marvel characters, pets, falling in love, and the city of Oxford.


Title: Haven't come up with a title yet
Genre: Historical AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Captain America movies
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Bucky, Natasha/Clint, with Peggy and Sam in supporting roles
Warnings: no warnings apply
Rating: PG-13
The year was 1930. Aspiring writer Peggy Carter was on a one-woman mission to uncover the myth of Franklin, wettest county in the world. She was not going to be put off by the gory tales. Slowly and surely, she discovered the dreams and struggles of those stoic Appalachians. For them, the Depression begun long before the Wall Street Crash. The steady decline of agricultural income forced honest men to turn to liquor making. She even befriended two such men: Steve Rogers, an unlikely artist, and Bucky Barnes. By the winter of that year, their situation had got so bad, Bucky decided to do something they'd never done before---instead of selling small batches to their fellow country men, he was going to haul his last stock across county lines to this big city swell, who had connections to all the speakeasies in Manhattan.
Meanwhile, Sam, a waiter at The Cotton Club, was getting increasingly intrigued by this duo who came every Thursday. At first glance, they were like any other sleekly dressed couple, out to have a good time in Harlem. Except, Sam wasn't convinced they were together. Where would his fascination lead him?
No standard warnings apply to this fic. As for visuals, most of the story took place in rural America, 1920-1930. In my mind, Steve eventually becomes the equivalent of J.C Leyendecker, who did live with his very male lover/muse for 20+ years.


Title: No Spirit Standing in the Sun
Genre: modern/no powers AU, romance
Fandom/Universe: Captain America
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, background Nick Fury/Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson
Warnings: No major warnings apply. Minor character deaths, discussion of war/atrocities in group counseling setting.
Rating: Explicit

Summary: As children, Steve and Bucky were placed in the same foster home, only to be removed just when their lives stabilized. Seventeen years after they were separated, Bucky is a disabled veteran having difficulty adjusting to civilian life, and Steve is the artist the VA has hired to paint a mural for the clinic. A new romance blossoms on the foundation of their childhood friendship, but as the past interrupts the present, Bucky’s recovery is threatened by his own pertinacity.


Title: Through All Of The Shadowy Corners Of Me
Genre: Alternate Universe/Dark
Fandom/Universe: MCU - Guardians of the Galaxy
Characters/Pairings: Gamora/Nebula, background one-sided Peter/Gamora, background Yondu/Kraglin.
Warnings: Pseduo-Incest (sort of), Unhealthy relationships
Rating: M
Summary: The Milano, otherwise known as the best coffee shop in the galaxy, or the worst depending on who you're asking. Owned by the one and only Peter Quill, current employees include a talking raccoon, because ladies love guys with pets (or that was his excuse when anybody asked), a living tree, the most literal barista in the world, and Gamora, former assassin and adoptive daughter of one of the galaxies biggest mob bosses (if the galaxy had mobs), not that she bothered to write any of that down on her application. Of course, peace can only last for so long before her past decides to catch up with her, this time in the form of Nebula. If their relationship status was complicated to begin with it seems to get more complicated the longer their both on planet.
Most of the action in the story takes place in the coffee shop (located on Xandar) or in Gamora/Nebula's rather small apartment. Imagine the stereotypical hipster/coffee shop au, but in space.


Title: Perfectly Right Wrong Number
Genre: unrepentant fluff
Fandom/Universe: MCU AU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Warnings: none
Rating: Teen, Mature at most, probably
Summary: Sam had been telling Steve to get a few "normal" friends, but this spins a bit wildly out of control.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes didn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dialed the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.


Title: We've Been On This Path Before
Genre: kidfic, romance, drama, non-powered AU
Fandom/Universe: 616 AU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Ian Rogers
Warnings:(non con, mpreg, etc) child kidnapping, past alcoholism, suggestions of domestic abuse (for a side pairing)
Rating: Mature
Summary: Years ago, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were in love, their relationship well documented in all the society pages. It's been years since their break up, and Steve lives with his four-year-old son, Ian, in a tiny apartment. It's not a fancy life, but they have each other. Then, Tony shows up on his doorstep, asking for Steve to come back.

Steve and Ian move in with Tony, but it's an adjustment for both - for Steve to adapt once again to a life of luxury (and boredom) and Ian to having to share his father. But there are secrets that both Steve and Tony are keeping from the other, and in the center of it all, Ian's safety is put at risk.


Title: Law & Order: MCU
Genre: AU - Mystery/Crime/A Little Romance
Fandom/Universe: Agents of SHIELD (TV)
Characters/Pairings: Fitz/Simmons, Triplett, Skye, and featuring a lot of cameos by other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Warnings: Only as violent as the series itself. Other than that, no warnings.
Rating: T or PG-13, depending on your rating system
Summary: In this alternate universe, when Jemma Simmons roommate goes missing in the middle of the night, she isn't sure who to turn to for help, especially since Skye, a hacker with no last name, isn't exactly high on the list of priorities for the local police. After a rocky start, she finds the perfect partners to track down her missing friend in detectives Triplett and Fitz. What they uncover is a conspiracy involving the mysterious Lake Lerna Industries and a plan to steal a super drug.


Title: Cuckoo
Genre: romance, adventure, AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: StevexBucky
Warnings:Mentions of suicidal thoughts
Rating: PG-13
In June 1945, Bucky finally came home to New York City after spending several months as a Prisoner of War in the Berga labor camp. The thing is, he thought he'd be coming home to Steve, and it turns out that Steve is gone, dead of pneumonia while Bucky was in captivity.

When he fell in front of an oncoming train, he thought that he'd be on his way to seeing Steve again. Except that's not what happens at all. Because he's back in the middle of the War, and he's looking down himself strapped to a table, and he's about to die.


Title: it brings on many changes
Genre: Historical (WW2) AU
Fandom/Universe: Captain America (2011), AU
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Bucky, Steve/Peggy
Warnings: war-zone violence, attempted suicide
Rating: R

Bucky doesn't fall off the train in the Alps. The war continues. It doesn't end with Schmidt. Steve and Bucky go to the Pacific, and after Iwo Jima and Okinawa, Bucky will do anything to end the war.

There's a variety of war zones depicted in this fic (Iwo Jima and Okinawa among them), other associated locations like Manila and Guam, and some scenes on aircraft carriers and airfields. Most of the fic takes place during 1945, but there is an epilogue that takes place in the 1960s. Lots of military uniforms, smoking on the war front, and Bucky lying in wait with a sniper rifle.


Title: Going Yard
Genre: Um, baseball AU? Is that a genre?
Fandom/Universe: Captain America/The Avengers
Characters/Pairings: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
Warnings: Extremely politically incorrect language (they're all ballplayers in this, so it's true to real life.)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Best friends Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers grew up playing ball together in Brooklyn, but something happened Bucky's senior year of high school, and the two friends have barely spoken in the last ten years (except for one memorable night at the 2013 All-Star Game). But just before the trade deadline of 2014, the New York Avengers have traded the Boston Red Sox for Gold Glove shortstop Steve Rogers to bolster their offense and solidify their defense. The move reunites him with his former childhood friend, staff ace Bucky Barnes, but the team and the league may not survive.
FYI, The Avengers are semi-based on the New York Mets, but they play in Brooklyn. This is also a very interactive story, with a lot of box scores, tweets and pics and video chat transcribes and interviews, etc.


Title: Diamonds Do Not Equal Love (but they sure mean something)
Genre: Romance (Porn with Plot)
Fandom/Universe: Avengers (MCU)
Characters/Pairings: OT6 (Clint/Natasha/Thor/Bruce/Steve/Tony)
Warnings: A/B/O, pack mentality, rough sex, mentions of intoxicated state of mind while having sex, hints of past mistreatment during heats
Rating: E (explicit) or NC-17
Summary: In a society where an alpha or beta decks their omega partner out in chains, rings, bracelets, and anklets, Tony's an omega who never got jewelry from the alphas and betas he dated. They had multiple reasons why they couldn't give him jewelry, and he accepted them, he lived with it... and his jewelry box sat empty in the back of his closet, a child's dream, a foolish hope.

Until he shares his first heat with his new pack, and each partner gives Tony a piece of jewelry. It touches him, and maybe with this new team he could begin a real relationship that could last...


Title: The Darkest Shade, The Brightest Color
Genre: AU/Romance
Fandom/Universe: MCU/Avengers
Characters/Pairings: Natasha/Clinton, Steve/Bucky, Tony/Pepper, Tony/Bruce, Tony/Pepper/Bruce, Thor/Jane, Thor/Loki, Peggy Carter, Darcy Lewis, Sif, Sam Wilson, Maria Hill.
Warnings: Some language
Rating: R
Summary: Art school is not exactly how they imagined, it's sleepless nights and theories. Colors and free experiments. A group of friends sort through life and all of its mysteries and challenges: love, hurt, confusion, longing and friendship, while dealing with the school's standards and doing what they know best and are certain of, their art.


Title: So Bound with Ice
Genre: Canon AU, Angst, Smut
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Jane Foster/Loki, Erik Selvig, Sif, Darcy Lewis
Warnings: noncon/dubcon (depending on interpretation), Stockholm Syndrome
Rating: E
Summary: In a world where Jotunheim won the war and took control of Midgard, humans are serfs, farming the land and avoiding the frost giants whenever possible - until that becomes impossible for Jane, who catches the visiting prince's eye and is manipulated into his service. Jane's just in it to stay alive, while Loki becomes more obsessed by the day. But some travelers visiting town will overturn both of their plans.

Because of their respective stations, the sex could be called non-consensual (though it is not violent). There are frost giants, Loki in both Jotunn and human form, a snow-covered Viking-type village, Jane being made to wear flimsy excuses for clothing for Loki's entertainment, and a final battle between the Asgardians and Jotunns.


Title: untitled
Genre: alpha/omega au
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (Phil is not named in the fic)
Warnings: non-con (fuck or die), implied mpreg, past abuse, angst, description of injuries from torture, forced breeding, human trafficking, voyeurism
Rating: E
Summary: Clint, an alpha, is held captive by criminals who are breeding children and selling them. He is forced to have sex with omegas who have been kidnapped for that purpose. Despite many attempts, he has been unable to escape. One day, he is thrown into a room with an omega in heat. The man has been beaten, and refuses to speak. With a threat of death hanging over both of their heads if Clint doesn't cooperate, he reluctantly has sex with the man. In the end, SHIELD storms the facility and frees everyone.


Title: Currently Untitled Pop Star AU (seriously still can't decide)
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Clint Barton
Warnings: none
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Steve Rogers goes from being a member of the biggest boy band in the world to the Avenger with the most successful post-pop career. But just when he thinks he's out, the group that brought him there pulls him back in.

(Thanks, Tony.)

Or: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of The Avengers, With a Little Help From the Black Widow.


Title: Issues
Genre: Comedy, College AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU and comics fusion
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff, Steve and Bucky friendship
Warnings: Excessive alcohol consumption
Rating: Mature
Summary: Bucky's roommate Steve is busily pining over engineering student and super-rich genius Tony Stark. This, in Bucky's opinion, is a match made in hell. Steve is nice. Tony is not. Steve is sweet. Tony is infuriating. Fortunately, Tony doesn't seem to have noticed Steve's pining. Unfortunately, he still hangs around the whole damn time.

In an epic piece of passive-aggressive behaviour, Bucky expresses his opinions of Tony via his new comic series, the Avengers.

This is your garden-variety college AU, so mostly college kids hanging around in dorm rooms, with the added option of scenes from the Avengers comic (written by Bucky, drawn by Steve). For reasons of potential sequel there is no Clint in the fic, and a couple of the old-school Avengers (Jan and Hank) are thrown in instead.

Crossovers and Fusions


Title: Lost in You
Genre: Action/Adventure
Fandom/Universe: primarily MCU with additional characters and concepts from the various Marvel comics, set in the universe of Inception
Characters/Pairings: Main pairing is Steve Rogers / Bucky Barnes. Also includes most of the cast of The Avengers and mentions of the cast of Inception, plus Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr from the XMFC/DOFP movies.
Warnings: graphic violence in dreams and outside of them, waking up from dreams via suicide, falling into dream-limbo, descriptions of serious-to-mortal physical injury, unrequited love
Rating: R
Summary: Steve Rogers lives and works in the shadowy world of dreamshare and its necessary evils: espionage, mind games, and dreaming of violent deaths and inflicting the same on himself and on others.

He knows how to lock his mind down, but he can't seem to stop that ghost of a thought from escaping: that someday Bucky Barnes, his companion into the warfare of dreams, will know that Steve loves him, that Steve would do anything and everything for him.

And now he has to risk everything to get Bucky back from Limbo.


Title: Mutant Hustle
Genre: Smut
Fandom/Universe: American Hustle/X-Men: Days of Future Past
Characters/Pairings: Sydney/Rosalyn, Rosalyn/Hank, Rosalyn/Raven, Raven/Irving/Sydney
Warnings: Dub-con
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It is 1978, five years after the Sentinel program has been disbanded and the existence of mutants revealed to the public. Raven Darkholme lives as a fugitive, torn between the reunited X-Men and the resurgent Brotherhood. Until one of William Stryker's experiments leaves her without the ability to shape-shift.

Trapped in her human form, capture seems inevitable, until she comes across housewife Rosalyn Rosenfeld--her doppelganger. Quickly swapping places with her, Raven goes home to a love triangle between herself, Sydney Prosser, and Irving Rosenfeld, while Rosalyn is assumed to be Raven and taken captive by the X-Men.

As Rosalyn tries to escape from the attractive scientist with a keen interest in her--not terribly hard, though--Raven has her own ideas on making the Rosenfeld household a comfortable place to lie low. And she has no intention of sticking to antiquated human notions of monogamy.


Title: Cleave
Genre: His Dark Materials fusion, Post-CATWS
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Captain America
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Bucky, Natasha, Sam
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Rating: R
Summary: "Do you think they had him severed?" Steve's throat seizes on the word. "Bucky's dæmon. She was big enough that we would have seen her if she was there. If she was still-"

"There are other ways," Natasha says faintly.


Title: Sahel
Genre: Pacific Rim AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU (primarily Captain America), with some additions from the comics
Characters/Pairings: Bucky Barnes (POV character), Steve Rogers, Maria Hill, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson, Peggy Carter; Steve/Maria, implied Carol/Rhodey, lots of friendships
Warnings: None
Rating: All Audiences
Summary: An origin story: Bucky's not so sure that joining the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps is a good idea, but Steve is bound and determined to be a Jaeger pilot, so they go to the recruiting station together. Though Bucky is apprehensive about the whole thing, the two soon find themselves at the training center in Seattle, where they meet other pilot hopefuls, make a few friends, and learn how to save the world.
Visuals: Most of the story takes place within the Seattle training center, with some scenes at the recruiting station, an airport, and the Hong Kong Shatterdome. Action scenes include sparring, but there are no actual Jaeger/Kaiju fights in the story. This is also skinny!Steve, though he's more wiry than frail.


Title: Memories of Shadows
Genre: Romance, drama
Fandom/Universe: MCU/Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Tony/Ianto, Natasha/Pepper, Clint/Phil, Nick Fury, Bruce/Darcy, Maria Hill, mentions of Thor/Steve
Warnings:Talk of character death, miscarriage of Mpreg
Rating: R
Summary: Tony Stark and Ianto Jones are both broken men who are haunted by moments of their past, Tony by the battle of New York and Ianto his time at Torchwood and his suppose death at the hands of the 456. When Ianto is assigned to be Tony's new handler they discover that the two them just might be the broken piece that make a whole. Can they realise that together they aren't as broken as they think they are?


Title: Untitled at the moment
Genre: action, romance
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Political Animals
Characters/Pairings: Steve/TJ Hammond
Warnings: None
Rating: NC-17 (although the sex hasn't been written yet)
Summary:With Hydra still trying to kill the dangerous people on their list, Steve ends up protecting the Hammond family. But with some help from Bucky and the rest of the Avengers, plus a lot of confrontations with a very opinionated family, he also finds that right partner.


Title: Mise En Place
Genre: Angst/Suspense
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Hannibal (TV)
Characters/Pairings:Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Phil Coulson, Hannibal Lecter, Bedelia DuMaurier
Warnings:Violence, both major and minor character death, profanity, gaslighting/pyschological torture, implied cannibalism (nothing graphic, nor is it shown onscreen)
Rating: M
Summary:It's been a year since Bucky first reconnected with Steve. He has shed his Hydra past and is attempting to go straight and find his place in the slowly-rebuilding SHIELD. During a mission, he forgets his identity and momentarily slips back to who he'd been during the Hydra brainwashing. He agrees to see a psychiatrist at Sam's urging, and he takes Coulson's recommendation to see Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
At first Dr. Lecter seems an excellent choice for helping Bucky deal with his troubles, but slowly Bucky begins to realize that Dr. Lecter may not have his best interests at heart. Especially when it comes to Steve.


Title: When You Wake
Genre: Angst
Fandom/Universe: MCU (an All You Need is Kill/Edge of Tomorrow fusion with MCU)
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Darcy, Steve/Bucky, Steve/Sharon, Steve/Natasha
Warnings: There is character death in this, but it is not permanent (aka there's time travelling, so really nothing is permanent).
Rating: M/NC-17
Summary: After Steve dies while killing something that falls from the sky in Bucharest, he learns that his death triggers the day to reset, giving him the opportunity to relive the day and change the outcome. Over time, the resets begin to change, their length suddenly variable, forcing him to relive swaths of time that only he can remember and leaving him struggling to connect with people whose memories of him are stolen by his resets. As Steve wakes, lives, dies, repeats, he moves closer to a reset that could have profound implications for those closest to him and for Steve himself.


Title: Take Me Out to the Black
Genre: sci-fi -ish? It's MCU taking over the Firefly 'verse
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Captain America featuring other Avengers
Characters/Pairings: preslash Steve/Bucky
Warnings: might be exploring more themes involving PTSD so I'll warn for that now
Rating: T
Summary: It's been a year since Shield and its supporters were defeated in the Second Great War; a year since Steve and Sam found Bucky and hid amongst the Rim planets to escape Hydra's reach as far as possible. But now they're all getting restless cooped up in a small settler's town and as far as Steve can tell, the only way to escape is grab a ship and fly out into the black.

AKA this is the story of how Brooklyn's crew is assembled, each person at a time until it becomes the makeshift home/family they all might have been looking for.


Title: The Reunion Job
Genre: slash
Fandom/Universe: MCU/ Leverage
Characters/Pairings: Phil Coulson/Clint Barton, Clint Barton/Eliot Spencer, Phil Coulson/Eliot Spencer, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton/Eliot Spencer, Clint Barton/Tony Stark/Pepper Potts close friendship, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Warnings: multiple pairings, multiple relationship
Rating: PG-13 to Mature

A phone call from an old friend and lover, Eliot Spencer gives Clint news that shocks him, Phil Coulson is alive.

Confronting his former lover, Clint has to decide if he can forgive Phil for the lies and deception and rekindle their relationship or will he lose Phil forever to Eliot? That is until Eliot comes up with a third option…


Title: The Ice Demon and the Hydra
Genre: AU (background crossover)
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Steve, Bucky, Frigga, Thor, Peggy, other Howlin Commandos; (minor Steve/Peggy)
Warnings: torture
Rating: R
In a version of the MCU where Loki was told of his ancestry earlier, he also fathered a Snow Queen, whose love helped melt a heart frozen by anger and distrust (as told in a previous story). He promised Elsa that he would watch over her kingdom in years to come, and in 1942, he keeps his promise and comes back to Earth when Schmidt invades Arendelle, even though Odin forbids interference.

But saving Arendelle is not as easy as Loki believes it will be, and he soon finds himself in need of saving, too, by Captain America. And Loki discovers that vengeance comes easy, but friendship is what he truly needs, in spite of himself.



Title: That Kind of Lonely
Genre: Drama, angst
Fandom/Universe: MCU/Agents of SHIELD
Characters/Pairings: Gen; team fic
Warnings: None I know of.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Everyone deals with the fall of SHIELD in their own way. Steve just wants to find Bucky and maybe save him from himself. Tony's trying to save everyone. Bruce is trying to keep Tony in one piece. Clint and Natasha are trying to figure out who they are if they're not SHIELD agents. And Coulson is just trying to figure out how to rebuild SHIELD from the ground up; it might be more than he can handle if he doesn't find some help.


Title: Keep The World At Bay For Me
Genre: Romance / Action
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint/Coulson, pre-Steve/Bucky
Warnings: Set post CATWS and Agents of SHIELD season one, so spoilers for both. There's one scene where Bucky graphically murders a lot of bad people. Clint is experiencing post-Loki PTSD, and there's a lot of talk of grieving.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Clint is locked in a Hydra cell when SHIELD falls, and it isn't until Director Fury springs him that he realises that the reason no one was looking for him is that they all thought he was dead.

Finding out that Phil's also alive and working with a new team isn't easy, and neither is helping Captain America track down the brainwashed Hydra assassin that used to be Bucky Barnes.


Title: Tread Softly
Genre: Friends to Lovers
Fandom/Universe: The Amazing Spider-Man movie-verse, a bit of canon-blending with the comics
Characters/Pairings: Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, mental instability
Following the events of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter visits Harry in Ravencroft. As he struggles to find a way to fix things, he realizes that his childhood friend hasn't changed very much at all, and the answers he seeks have always been right in front of him.

The story explores Peter and Harry's relationship, both under the influence of the spider venom and otherwise, alternating between the present day and flashbacks of their childhood together. There is a brief scene where Peter stops Norman from beating Harry, as well as mentions of off-screen abuse or neglect as per comic canon.

Primary locations in the fic include the visiting room in Ravencroft, Roosevelt, Fifth Avenue, a park, Peter's house and Harry's mansion and penthouse, all in New York City. It also features a scene with Tony and Bruce in the Avengers Tower, as well as an on-screen battle amid skyscrapers.


Title: Hard Wired
Genre: h/c
Fandom/Universe: MCU, Cap 2
Characters/Pairings: Bucky/Steve
Warnings: recounted non-con and torture
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Bucky finally comes to the realization that he doesn't have a plan or a sense of where he's going and he might, just might need some help, he goes to where he's most likely to find Steve: Avengers Tower.

He's more panic than person, more machine than man, more instinct than anything, but the Tower is Hulk-proofed, and if he's got a shot of getting better, it's with these people. With Steve. Your basic, post-CA2 let's-wrap-Bucky-in-blankets-and-feed-him-soup fic.


Title: The Clothes Make the Man
Genre: Gen
Fandom/Universe: Captain America: The Winter Soldier; MCU
Characters/Pairings: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Warnings: cross-dressing, dissociation, PTSD
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bucky's looking to find himself again, or five times Bucky Barnes wore somebody else's clothes and one time he wore his own.

The story features Bucky as clothes horse trying on (and pilfering) various articles of clothing - from Steve's bomber jacket to one of Sam's suits, and even Natasha's dresses/skirts - ending with him stealing his Howling Commando uniform back from the Smithsonian and teaching Steve how to foxtrot. It's not very light and fluffy, though. I set out to write just a romantic dance scene and it blossomed into a 10K trope-filled angst-fest (with a side of humor).

It's more character-study than plot-driven, with two parallel story lines - Bucky's immediate transition from Winter Soldier to recovering civilian, and Steve's angst and co-dependence. Steve quickly realizes he's ill-equipped to guide Bucky through his recovery alone, so he enlists the help of his friends. Bucky gets to bond with Natasha and Sam, setting up potential relationships with them that are healthy and different than his relationship with Steve - because they see him for who he is now, they can relate to him differently. They're the ones giving him the space to explore and find himself, while Steve is the one who pushes back against that, steeped as he is in the memory of the Bucky-that-was. In the end, Bucky does make progress but it's slow and painful, and sometimes Steve is more a hindrance than a help.


Title:The Avengers: Destiny
Fandom/Universe: The Avengers MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint/Natasha,Bruce/Betty,Tony/Pepper,Thor/Jane
Warnings:No warning
Summary:A young woman ended up on the doorstep of The Avengers Tower. Who is she and what connection does she have with two of the Avengers?


Title: Desert Heart
Genre: Action/Adventure, Spy drama
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Agents of SHIELD
Characters/Pairings: Main: Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Minor: Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, plethora of OC's
Warnings: Elements of mind control and violence under mind control, canon appropriate violence
Rating: PG -15
Summary: What happened in Bahrain. The story of how Melinda May became known as the Cavalry, how Phil Coulson grew to hate the desert, how a nation rose up, and fell down, and how earnest effort sometimes leads to no reward at all. Being a spymaster in a nation on the brink of revolt is a recipe for heartbreak, and when biological weapons, AIM, and party politics jump in the mix, well, things don't have much chance of going well.

This entire story is set in Bahrain, an island nation off the gulf of Saudi Arabia, with a host of ethnicities and cultures on display. Author is happy to provide more detailed descriptions of any land- or city-scapes.


Title: Even Superheroes Deserve Some Downtime
Genre: Porn with plot - domestic polyamory
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Tony/Steve/Natasha/Thor/Clint/Phil, Clint/Steve, Tony/Steve, Clint/Tony, Thor/Natasha, Tony/Bruce/Natasha, Steve/Thor, Phil/Clint/Natasha,
Warnings: Dom/sub content. Unrealistic depictions of sex.
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The one in which Tony Stark fills one floor of his tower with a massive bedroom and the Avengers are involved in some free-form polygamy.


Title: Avengers in Babysitting
Genre: general, humour, mystery, romance, drama
Fandom/Universe: MCU (Avengers)
Characters/Pairings: Darcy Lewis, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Steve Rogers, plus at least 3 OCs (including a baby!), developing Bruce/Darcy, established Tony/Pepper, implied Clint/Nat, mentions past Steve/Peggy and potential Thor/Jane
Warnings: none, unless I need to warn about brief mentions of child abandonment and/or drunken sex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Following the Battle of New York, Darcy Lewis is interning at Stark Tower, where all the of Avengers now live. When a mysterious package arrives for Tony, it's Darcy who must deliver it to the latest Avengers meeting in the conference room. Is it a bomb? A gift? A trophy? An AC/DC record? None of the above - it's a baby. Now the Avengers must face their scariest challenge yet - baby-sitting a six month old! Pepper is blaming Tony, Clint is looking to a future with Natasha, Steve and Thor are thinking about their respective past and future relationships, and Darcy is setting her sights on the softer side of Bruce. All this before they even discover that this isn't any ordinary child they're taking care of…


Title: Professional Front
Genre: h/c
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint/Coulson
Warnings: canon-typical violence, hunger, remembering of childhood neglect
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the release of HYDRA and SHIELD's files, despite the quick cover-up by Skye, Natasha knows about Coulson and tells Clint he's alive. Clint refuses to deal with his feelings of betrayal, telling himself Coulson didn't owe him anything. However, he is then called in because Coulson, as director, is short on both specialists and field agents and needs Clint to run a mission with him. When the mission, predictably, goes pear-shaped, Clint has to get them both out alive, regardless of his feelings.

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