Author and Tandem Sign-ups Closed!

May 17, 2014 00:00

Author and Tandem sign-ups are closed!

We've had a great turn out this year with more than 300 stories signed up! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to read all of that awesome. :D

Now that author and tandem sign-ups are closed, just a few reminders. If you signed-up and have an LJ account or an Open ID that LJ recognizes please join the comm so that you can participate in the social posts, support posts, and check-ins. If you don't have an account that will let you join don't worry. We will send those of you without membership emails about anything vital. You can also follow our Tumblr for general announcements.

Over the next week I'll be going through the memberships and removing anyone that is not signed up to participate this year. If you participated last year and didn't sign up this year you will be removed. But please, everyone feel free to watch the comm so that you don't miss out on all the great fanworks that will be coming your way this fall.

Sign-ups for artists and beta/cheerleaders are still open so please tell your friends. With all these stories we are going to need a lot of great artists and betas!

Later this week, once I get everything managed on the administrative side of things I'll be posting up a social post/friending meme so that we can all find buddies to help us through the long hard writing months ahead--or we can just squee about Marvel together. :D

As always if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to visit our page-a-mod page.

admin, 2014 marvel_bang

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