2017 Prompt Post!

May 15, 2017 13:34

Welcome to the prompt post for the 2017 marvel_bang!

Basically, this is a post to generate ideas. You don't have to be a writer/artist/mixer/beta/participant in any other way if you don't want to - this is your chance to share ideas that you think might make a good 10k story. If you have an idea like that, share it here!

Authors are free to use whatever ideas from here that they want, in any way that they want, so if you have an idea for a story that you'd only like to see written in a specific way, don't post it here. Authors can choose to use part of a prompt or mix pieces of several prompts or come up with their own story entirely.This is just a place for ideas for people who are interested in participating but aren't sure what to write.

One idea per comment, please! It's easier to keep track of things that way :) Also, I hope this goes without saying, but just so it's out there: no bashing of anyone's prompts, pairings, ideas, etc. We're open to pretty much everything here - and if you're not sure about your idea, feel free to use our page-a-mod post to ask us about it.

Authors, please also feel free to look through the prompt posts from 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 in case an older prompt catches your eye!

Prompt away!

prompt post, 2017 marvel_bang

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