Mar 28, 2007 16:21

It's about 4:30pm here. Which means it's about 8:30am on Thursday in Japan. Yay for time travel.


*waits for fandom to explode*

I watched the first cut scene from Re:CoM on kh-vids, and I must say it's very well animated. Remember how Sora always smiled all the time (to the point of being creepy) in KHI? And how much better KHII was? Well this cut scene's even better. :D I'm just hoping the animation quality stays throughout the game (maybe they just made that one special). Or maybe I'm imagining things due to lack of sleep and sugar high and superspazzyawesomeness. Either way, they look shiny. WATCH THEM.

Holy crap, they've added two more in the time it took me to post this. >>;; I feel a little guilty for watching, but oh well. Axel is really fun to watch. xD (Maybe his Japanese VA is always that quirky though?)

Urge to draw fanart... rising. But I have a band concert tonight. D: Maybe I can just do something tomorrow and claim that it's the "release day" in America. Even though they haven't said anything about releasing it here yet?. *cough*

And, my Anais Mitchell CD came in the mail today! :D It's really pretty, but I want her first album too (it's out of print and no one seems to have it).
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