Like KaBar'n babies in a maternity ward, I tells ya. I still haven't recovered the sacred artifact that my Order quest requires, but I did find something else. One Pipe to rule them all, One Pipe to smoke them, One Pipe to make them hungry and in the fumeage choke them. And an appropriate hat. "Party like it's ought-one," that's my motto. Except when my motto is something else. Like "Mother Hen stands no chance when The Fox gets his foot in the door." Taking applications for wingmen. Dank Dive Derby will make its triumphant return very soon. Look for me in area bars, I'll be the burly guy with all the muscles makin out with like 13 chicks while like 19 chicks watch me making out with those 13 chicks and start getting all jealous and stuff, so there'll be like 30 chicks standing around me. I successfully underclocked my RAM from 400mhz to 266mhz with minimal frost buildup. I know I have a somewhat distinctive voice, but I'm pretty sure the chick at Taco Bell shouldn't be greeting me with "Are you having an awesome fucking day?" What if she mistakes some other hapless Fourthmealer for me? Oh well, it sure makes the drive-thru a more enjoyable experience.
Here are some pics from Boston fakecation.
Emotastic pic of driving after pulling an all-nighter through a Catskills snowstorm
Sunrise in the Catskills
What the sunrise actually looked like in the car when I didn't focus on the sun
Pic in the hotel. I'm totally not even looking at the camera.
Standing in a graveyard in Salem. SpoooooooOOOOooooky.
Fenway Park.
Random church.