Title: Only On Stage(3/3)
Pairing: MaruxBaru, slight Ohyass and fluffy Yokohina
freedomthisway Rating: PG 13
Genre: Angst, H/C, Fluffy
Summary: Because of their intimate acts on stage, Shibutani Subaru has developed a certain feeling towards Maruyama Ryuhei. But what about Maru? Does he feel the same?
Yatta!! Finally it's done!!! Thanks to all the support, guys. I hope you enjoy it! Oh, and I know that I told you to squint to find YokoxHina in my fic, but in this last chapter, I decided to insert some fluffy YokoxHina inside because my friend
skadihelias is such a whore for this pairing and I want to brighten her day a bit. ^__^
On to the last chapter!! Second chapter is here First chapter is here