are you...
( ) in love
(x) wearing pants
(x) wearing a shirt
(x) wearing a bra
() wearing a thong
( ) wearing boxers
( ) a victim
(x) single
( ) taken
(x) weird
(x) awesome
() prep
( ) goth
(x ) punk [i'd like to think this. but i deff dont dress like one]
(x) lonely
(x) tired
( ) black
(x) white
(x) tired of labels
do you....
(x) like to cry [sometimes]
(x) eat ramen noodles
() love school
(x) love me
(x) love your l/j
(x) kick ass
(x) like shirley temples
( ) worship someone
( ) have a girlfriend
(x) have a boyfriend [well i have a fiance'?]
(x) love your best girl/guy friend
( ) think your going to break up with your girlfriend/ boyfriend in the future
( ) secretly HATE them
(xxxxx) sing in the shower
(x) hate Bush
( ) hate kerry
( ) hate america
(x) hate where you live
( ) love Bush
( ) love Kerry
() love america
(x) not care about politics
have you ever...
(xxx) started a fire [pyro at large]
(x) told someone you loved them
(x) told someone you hated them
(xxx) been in a taxi
(xxxxxxxxxx) been to NYC
(x) been on a train
(xxxx) been on an airplane
(xx) left the country
(x) lied to someone you love
(x) wanted to die [of embarassment a few times]
() kissed someone of the same sex
(x) regretted kissing someone
( ) been in love
(xxx) talked back
(x) taken a dance class
(xxx) went somewhere via subway
() went somewhere via horse
(xx) went somewhere via monorail
(xxxx) went somewhere via scooter [ahh scooters rule!]
( ) snuck out
( ) gotten caught sneaking out
(x) been walked in on
(x) hated someone
( ) been in a fist fight
() broken a bone
( ) got surgery
(x) been made fun of
() kicked someones ass
(xx) literally kicked someones ass
(x) wished you were someone else
() cried because you were happy
() made a layout
(x) been rejected from a community
() been rejected by a clique
(x) failed a class [not all year just one quarter]
(x) tripped and fell on your face
(x) tripped and fell on your ass
(xxxx) lost something important [i lose stuff all the time]
() lost someone important
(xxxxx) seen something you shouldn't have [and it has corrupted me ever since]