I See Fucktards

Nov 25, 2023 22:00

I find it quite disturbing that no self proclaimed "freedom fighter", not one, not a single person has even obviously considered the term "controlled opposition".
I don't care who you want to include in that, Hanson, Culleton, Monica, Avi, Ruhskan, Cossack, Bosi, Tate, Brand, Q, Trump.. you're fighting amongst the very people you stood next to at protests why, because you believe the person you idolise but don't know personally, to be "a good person"?

You argue and get upset because there are some that are telling you you're being lied to, but you don't get angry at the person who is doing the lying? You see how messed up that is don't you? None of you know any of them.
I suspect none of you have even met them.
But I guarantee none of you know who your enemy is.
You're to blind to even consider there are wolves within your herd.. let me repeat that....
They're gatekeepers, shepherds leading you aboard a trailer, to get shipped off directly to the butcher, forget the slaughterhouse. They are deceiving you and taking advantage of you, while at the same time manipulating you.

Your shepherd is leading you astray. Wake up.
Open your eyes. They're literally pulling the wool over your eyes and you can't even see what's in front of your face.
You all seem to forget that politicians LIE. They're snakes.
There's no honesty in politics and it seems everyone has forgotten that.
Why would you trust a politician, when for decades all they have done, is lie to you?
Not one single politician in this country or this world, is on your side.
Not one single politician in Australia holds a line of authority to our Anzac. Therefore they hold no power what so ever.
Not one SINGLE politician is going to save you.
It's time Australia woke up to this reality.
Call me a troll, insult me, do as you wish. I don't care what your opinion of me is, it means absolutely nothing.
Your opinions of me do not change the truth, nor does it change the fact you're being lied to.

It is clear to me that many in the "fight", are oblivious to accepting responsibility for accusations made towards others, just because they point out and state the obvious that both any and all opposition, including "alt media", are controlled by the very same corruption rampant within our society, all in the name of an agenda, to continue the charade, to weaken minds, break spirits, confuse, divide and conquer. It's been their strategy for generations and it's not about to stop now.

They're not out for the old, the unemployed or the lower class. They're not even out to manipulate or control the working or middle class.
They have always focused their sights firmly on where the money is. It's always been about the millionaires and billionaires if this world.
They don't give a fuck about you or me, they want the rich.

There has never been more division and egotistical bullying, with narcissistic thugs. Keyboard warriors hiding behind a screen, with nothing better to do than to attack people for pointing that out, calling you every name under the sun, expecting you to have belief that this movement is somehow "better for humanity". Which sounds awfully similar to "do it for the Greater Good" doesnt it?

With so many "heros", you'd think this country would be free of the corruption by now. But no. Apparently, people are to comfortable, to distracted, to happy with the way they want to live their lives, without any concern or thought of something as trivial to them as "the future."

If you're not going to bother taking a good hard look at all the information in relation to all aspects of things happening, then you're only seeing part of the truth. You're only seeing what they want you to see, so you blindly follow what they say, without question because readon has clearly not got anything to do with it, if it's someone elses thought.
How can you make an informed decision without all the relative information?

If you support Russia and China, over your own fucking country, then you support Communism. If you support Communism, you're a Communist. If you're a Communist, then you're a traitor and you're not an Australian.
You're not freeing anyone, not even yourselves when you put a foreign country before your own. You're playing the same game and you're ultimately enslaving any future you have.

I get it, you want change. But "Change starts from within".
It starts with YOU. It starts at your local councils, your communities, it starts with this country. It starts with us.
Not Russia, not China, not Brics, not Ukraine, not England, not even America. It starts with you, here and now.
Supporting someone elses country doesn't change a thing here in Australia. It only makes you look traitorous fool for believing another country to be "more important", for that country to take preference over your own.

You want to do something, start writing. Start emailing and stop complaining and for the love of God, shut the fuck up and stop squawking someone elses narrative.
Write to your senators, your ministers and your representatives. Local, state AND federal.
Keep writing to them. Harass them.
If we keep pushing back with questions, they'll eventually have to explain.

If you don't vote, be it ekection ir referendum, you don't care and if you don't care what's going on, then you don't care about your future, your kids future or the future of your country and might as well fuck off and live in one of their 15 Minute Cities where you can eat, shit, drink, fuck, do drugs, drink yourselves into a coma and then die. But don't EVER reproduce. We don't need more stupidity. There are far to many stupid sheeple in this world as it is, we certainly don't heed anymore in this country.

As for you morons in Off Grid Australia yeah that's right, you heard me. You mods especially need to get your shit together. You're going to ban members for being harassed? Fuck you. Suck my fucking dick ya bunch of pussy assed, anal punchers.
Bunch of doomsday prepping fucktards, thinking that's going to save you when the shit hits the fan. Unless you have an arsenal in that "off grid" living space, you're fucked, just like the rest of us. Food or no food. What the fuck are you gonna do? Throw tins of food at them?
Get a fucking clue.
We're supposed to be banding together to fight these pricks in parliament and you morons are thinking what, you're going to save the fucking planet or something. Newsflash. You're not saving shit.

I'm so fucking sick and tired of telling you people the same fucking shit over and ovr again. No influencer, no politician, no celebrity and no talkback radio wannabepodcaster is going to do a damn thing. There's no fucking saviour coming to rescue you!

Grow some balls Australia and get off ya phones, get off ya couches, stop talking about taking ya fucking country back and do it, or don't and end up dead like our Anzacs.
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