Why be a man when you can be a success?

Jan 07, 2005 16:31

Well, I'm at work. Bored as shit. My mom's in a meeting. My poor mother...*sigh* I can't imagine having her job. Endless meetings, shit loads of paper work, annoying ppl, and...her daughter workin in the same building. Guah. I would QUIT. But, I guess that's why she makes the BIG BUCKS. And she does, actually. And what's funny about my mom, is no matter who you are (expect my dad) she won't tell ANYONE how much she makes. I've asked her sense I was like...6, and till' now she gets all serious and goes "Martina, I can't tell you that...enough thou." Soooo, whattteverrr. *sigh* My stomach still hurts.
I took the bus to work today and who do I see on the OTHER #26 to Glenmont? Darrin! He like taps on the glass, and I relize it's him...cause' I got my headphones on...listenin to icp, and I see him. I'm so out of it, cause' I had JUST watched the bus I suppose to get on, leave me...that I just start laughing and make like I'm smokin a J with my fingers. And then do the CALL ME...thingy. But, yeah...I fuckin missed the bus. I hate the 26 too. It's NEVER on time...and today...BAMM, it was. So it left me. I was still on Parkland when I saw it roll by. I had to wait another 40mins for the next one. *sigh* Thank god, I'm gettin a ride with my mom home...cause' there's NO WAY I'm riding that shit again today. It's kinda nipply out there.
I think my boss comes back the same day Brian does some Italy. Hopefully I'll get to see Jon tonight...if not chill with him (which never happens cuase' she girlfriend is a jealous hoe-bag) then just to get somethin' from him. I'm fuckin sick and tired of mids...it's time for some of that killer kb. Butttttttt....whatever works, I suppose.
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