Jan 15, 2007 16:38
So i have just got back from the best interview yet. I was a bit skeptical at first because its for a web development postion which i wasn't sure on.
So I get there and they come down and we walk over to the cafe which is located in the building. Ok i have heard of this happening before. We order drinks. The interview starts all the usual questions. THen out of no where i get asked "What games do you play?" So i'm like these games and why would you need to know that. There reply "Because on friday afternoons we get everyone onto computers and play frist person shooters."
ME = OMG this is so awesome playing games out work OMG i totally hope i get this job.
Then out of no where comes a test. Goddamn i though i had enough of these things from uni. I do the test and he was surprised because i got most of the questions right. Now all i have to do is wait for a week.
The other twist is that 2 of the people from the company come from collie as well. What are the odds with that.