Self-PB meme!

May 15, 2010 12:14

starletfallen/ordinarygirl@DW has come up with an absolutely fantastic meme.

Y'know, it bothers me, often, how almost all the PB sets out there (or, really, people with enough expressions to be USED as a PB) are models or actors or otherwise preternaturally pretty people. There aren't enough NORMAL people as PBs, and I have plenty of times wished for a less-pretty PB for a character who's supposed to be... not drop dead gorgeous.

So I've decided to try to start a meme-like thing amongst us RPers/icon-makers. It's very simple.

1. Take 20 or so pictures of yourself making various facial expressions. (Or more, but, y'know, at least 15-ish to fill out a free LJ account)
2. Make icons of them
3. Post them for other people to use in RP if they'd like.


If you decide to take, please credit to martyfan. Feel free to mess around with colors, borders, shading, special effects, whatever you'd like, so long as original photo credit comes to me. I'd also appreciate links to where the icons are being used because I'd dead-curious about what people would do with my face. ;)

meme, icons, roleplaying

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