Beyond the Rift: Character meme [Public]

Sep 01, 2008 12:45

My LJ is usually friends-locked, but since I haven't gotten around to friending the main journals of my fellow muns, I'm leaving this post public for a while. Even if you're not a mun for BTR, if you'd like to comment or participate, please feel free. :)

Ask a character a question, any question, and they HAVE to answer completely honestly. Have to. It's the meme rule. Even if they'd normally lie, they suddenly have been hit with a truth serum of some kind and must tell the truth.

Active characters
Harry Dresden/thepizzalord (The Dresden Files bookverse, human wizard)
Daniel Jackson/egyptiansoldier (Stargate SG-1/Atlantis AU, human general)
HK-47/o_hai_meatbags (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, assassin droid)
Egon Lothar/angel_of_prey (Rift OC, Archangel)
Wraith/wraithwithwings (Rift OC, Behemoth)
Chaka/chakaso (Stargate SG-1, Unas)

Upcoming/potential characters
Anubis/kneelb4yourgod (Stargate SG-1 AU, Goa'uld)
Alphonse Elric/alchemistinacan (FullMetal Alchemist, human alchemist)
Ned the Piemaker (and Digby)/daisies_and_pie (Pushing Daisies, human and his Golden Retriever)
Gordon Freeman/freemanpontifex (Half-Life, human)

meme, the rift

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