Jun 10, 2005 06:51
HaPpY sUmMeR!!! I can't believe its over...my JuNiOr YeAr, the year everyone dreads. Senior year will soon be here, the past three years have gone by so fast. So today was officially my first day of summer...I woke up around 7:15 (out of habbit) and decided to go running around 8 before it got really warm.As of today I'm making it a goal to go runnning every morning before it gets warm out because I hate running in the heat; therefore, I wouldn't be able to go until 9:30 every night and thats when I'm getting ready to go out.
In October of 2004 I realized I needed a change in my lifestyle. I've always been athletic but I ate junk food all the time. For those of you that I hang out with you all witnessed the fact that I refused to wear jeans my entire sophmore year and the beginning of my junior year. I wore sweatpants ALL the time, it didn't matter where I was going. I felt jeans made me look worse than I already did. Anyways, I was at a steady weight of about 140 and for my height (5'2) thats overweight. I began eating healthier by doing simple things like eating wheat bread rather than white, and drinking skim milk rather that 2%. I had already cut out pop some time before so that wasn't a problem. I think the biggest thing I did was eat in proportions, get the proper amount of servings from the food pyramid, and eat seven smaller meals each day rather that eating whenever I felt like it. I also try not to eat fast food but I still eat BuRgEr KiNg chicken tenders, there my favorite!! There was a dramatic difference only a couple weeks after. I think my waistline has dropped a couple inches because my jeans are all big on me. So far I have lost only 11 pounds. I still want to loose a little more weight but I am still proud of myself for what I have so far accomplished.
I'm kinda writing about something personal but its an important accomplishment for me. If your team won some sort of title you would want to write about it, thats kinda what I'm doing. I just want people to see that it doesnt take the south beach diet or starving yourself in order to look better and be healthier, it takes self control and discipline. Trust me..I still eat the exact same stuff I did before, I just cut back on sweets and I don't eat AS MUCH as I used to (one serving of mashed potatoes instead of two) lol. I feel healthier and more fit. I have also had a lot of people support me and that has made a big difference. Its much easier to run a couple miles when you have someone by your side to motivate you to keep going. The most rewarfing thing out of all of this is when people acknowledge the fact that I lost weight, it makes me feel good and I know my hard work has paid off.
My BirThDaY is in 5 DaYs!! yAaAaAy