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Nov 30, 2009 01:48

Oh thank goodness for work being slow otherwise I'd never ever write an entry. No one has come in since 11:30 and now it's 1:30. I only have another half hour until I'm off. The joys of working until 2am. I must admit, this hasn't been a bad shift. Sure nothing has happened for two hours but in that time the photo copier was being stupid and I found a mitten pattern to knit. It's winter time and that means time to knit. I'm adopting Melanie and Judy's (friends who used to live in Rupert then moved to Prince George, Melanie and Carmen went to high school together)grandma and she's going to help me knit. I'm going over to Grandma's house on Tuesday and Wednesday for knitting parties. I've spent a lot of time at Grandma's house lately because Melanie was here for a week and then a week and a half later Judy was here for a week. Grandma spends her time knitting and now I'm inspired! I hope to get a pair of mittens done by Christmas!

On my days off, I have three starting when I wake up, I'm pretty booked up. Monday I'm planning on sleeping in then laundry party then packing. It feels like I've been doing laundry forever! The problem is I sort of am. I'll do a load in hopes that I can start packing things, and it will include clothes I wear all the time with a few items that aren't in regular rotation and this happens over and over again. I haven't really learned yet that I need to wash the things that have been sitting in my closet all summer... maybe this time things will work out better. I'm going to start with the laundry not in a normal rotation and then decide what to do with it, keep or toss. I would like to pack up the Christmas stuff that I'm sending to my parentals by Monday so I can send it off by Tuesday. Tuesday I plan on doing a bit more packing, or maybe start packing, and then at about 1:30 go to Grandma's to knit and then go home at 3 and take Winston to the vet for his shots at 3:30. Wednesday will be started off right with a free full body massage... yup, free! Someone I know is getting their registered massage therapist cetificate and they need willing people to help build up their hours and I'm a willing person! Then more knitting Wednesday and then probably more laundry. Then Thursday it's back to work for me.

Other than that nothing is really going on. Well, lots is going on but it mostly is that I'm moving to Ottawa in January and the things that go along with that. That's why all the laundry and packing, that's why Winston needs his shots. There is lots to get done before January and I have lots of stuff to figure out and I don't even know what it all is. I am sort of going to Ottawa with no real plan. I like plans, I live for planning things, this scares me, this is making me stressed out. I pretend it's the packing that's stressing me out but it's the not being albe to plan the next 6 months of my life that's getting me worked up. Not that packing isn't a stressor, it's just not the biggest one right now. I'm quite the control freak and I can control packing so it's not a huge worry. After I get settled I'll be able to have a better grasp on what's going on with my life and be able to figure things out. It a little bit seems like the end of the world but really it's only the end of a chapter.

Well, that took up some of my time before I have to go. Maybe I'll do some tidying up and then go. I only have 17 minutes left until it's go time! Stupid thing is I'll go home and then be up until like 4am. It's hard to go to sleep right when getting home.

Well LJ, I guess I'll update again next time it's slow.
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