I'm tired

Feb 03, 2008 19:21

and not really in a mood for writing any more of these huge top ten lists. But I hate to leave a project half done. SO, one awesome thing from each remaining day of the tour (and if you're interested, do check out facebook for further photos and anecdotez):

HAMBURG: The "Hamburger Bank!"

BERLIN: I won our "draw a picture of Ralf, the booking agent" contest. He totally had six arms, six legs, a monocle and pencil-thin moustache, quill and parchment for signing away of souls, and an opened condom for some reason.

FRANKFURT: There was no "Frankfurter Bank," but we did have the best Persian food ever. And like, what IS Persian food even, right? Also, the venue was called Das Bett and was lovely with deep thoughts written on all the walls, and me and Luke stayed up till five drinking with the awesome old German Laird guy who ran it. Actually, just add "And me and Luke stayed up drinking till five" every night, and you won't be wrong.

NÜRNBERG: Every European city has a prominent red-light district, but the one in Nürnberg is just one huge brothel with all these crazy decorated rooms that open up on the street probably so nobody crazy can hurt you if you work there, and all the girls just hang out like in Bangkok. And then there's also a gummy bear store.

MANNHEIM: We heard an awesome harmonica player and I got as drunk as a steelworker and threw up like a Norse god, and we met our SECOND girl from Qualicum.

PRAGUE: Our club was called Klub 007, and we were all "James Bond, Iron Curtan and shit," but then we got there and there were seven identical concrete apartment blocks and each one had a club in the basement, and the buildings were Building 1 through 7 and the clubs . . . oh yeah. Also, the opening band were called Tower of Dudes and everyone was so fun.

ZÜRICH: I lost my computer and found my cousin Gerda and we talked all night and it was amazing. The other band was called Spencer and had (much) larger than lifesized silkscreened anime banners of themselves to play in front of.

DÜDINGEN: Had absinthe and an artificial lake with a sunken town and the only B&B in Switzerland that was good enough for Cat Power. IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR US TOO! Also, I nearly killed my shit climbing cliffs.

RORSCHACH: The venue was amazing and cherub-filled and then me and BROOKE went out drinking and I'm not blaming you or nothing, Brooke, but 10 in the morning did find us still awake and drunk in a totally different city and more than a little confused about how we got there.

INNBRUCK: Where my Uncle Walter and his family all came to see and it was wonderful. They have a left-wing bar and a right-wing bar and they fight. The left-wingers stopped us from going to the right-wing bar to make trouble . . . . BUT I STILL LIVE HERE AND NOW I KNOW HOW TO TAKE THE BUS! Those Nazis aren't gonna know what hit 'em when I go in and like totally don't use a coaster. The promoter was called Dr. Helmut, the show was great, I love all those guys and this has been the most wonderful experience, you should all make friends with a touring band, the end!
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