Jan 28, 2008 19:53

1. Catalonian accents. "Barrrrttthhhhhelooona."

2. The band. Has anyone ever been so immediately welcoming and rad to anyone who's 2/3 a stranger like I was? I think not. And the show was fantastic.

3. The band we they played with, this awesome group of cutes called Les Piats, who all swung their heads from side to side in time with the music and did ye-ye cries and were all like a Spanish France Gall crossed with a Spanish Stereo Total.

4. The fact that in Spain you eat dinner at 10, go out at 12, and if you're the last band, start playing at approximately 2:30 AM. And the club stays open till seven in the morning, and this is what you do every night, unless you're a weak Canadian, in which case you go home at six.

5. The deadpan response I got when I congratulated Les Piats on their set: "Yeah, we get laid like all the time."

6. Park Güell, which is amazing and a fantasyland and I guess now Gaudi is my favourite architect, because I sure as fuck didn't have opinions on architecture before. I lost the postcards I was gonna send, so you should all internet it or something.

7. The promoter, this doelike fellow named Victor who we called Handsome Pete. There oughtta be a law against those eyes 'cause damn. And he was very cool and took us to good restaurants.

8. The way the worst coffee in Europe is somehow still about a million times better than the best coffee in Canada.

9. The way all the concrete walls and boxcars are already full, so aspiring graffiti artists are all out tagging the cacti.

10. Oranges fresh off the tree, just like in Japan.
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