I'm going nuts this week trying to decide on a paint color, etc. for the living room. I'm running around slapping paint color samples on posterboard on the walls, and obsessing over the perfect soft grayed green that is not too blue, not too yellow. It exists! I know it does, dammit! *eyes cross from the billion shades of green on my wall*
I need a coffee table. Maybe a glass one, because I lurvs my Persian rug. The lamp is just stuck there to have something to read by, and I need another.... floor lamp, maybe, at the corner of the sofa? I want the ceiling fan gone, replaced with a simple drum shade fixture or something. I have some art that needs to be framed, and what accessories are there just got shoved there when I unpacked - most are wrong. I need some drapes - not to close, but just 4 long panels to hang for texture. Rough linen, maybe? With some bamboo blinds or roman shades? (The ones there now are nasty chipped vinyl.) And I want to hang the big-assed TV on the wall. And...and...and....
AND, I moved the table out when I put the cookbook shelves in the breakfast area, and now the wood globe light is OFF CENTER. Which is making me batty. It's not EEEEVEEEEEEEN!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!