Spring Diet Post

Apr 03, 2008 11:36

Spring is upon us, a time in which we start moving around more and come out of our sedentary hibernation.

Its also a time of wanting to get a "bathing suit body" and after a discussion about health & weight loss with a friend, I decided to make a post about it. This is also just as much of a reminder for me as help for you.

Most of what I'll say is common sense or things I've said before. If you want/need to lose weight then really *think* about these things--I'm just trying to help.

  • Basic formula to fat loss: eat less + exercise more. Aside from surgery there are no magical get-thin-quick schemes that work, and if you do lose it fast you are likely to get saggy skin.
  • Start small. Cut out one bad food at a time. Start for a week. Then 2. Then a month. Then add a 2nd eating weakness. Its okay to partake in a small amount of favorite foods once in a while but you should try to go without for a full month first. When you do let yourself have the little treats, keep it in small volume and don't use it as a reward. Try walking around the block at lunch for a week. Then 2. Or include an evening walk around the block every night. Its so much easier to stick with when you know its only for a set period of time. And once you've succeeded with that time frame, try keeping it up. Okay with 1 month? lets go for 2!
  • Break the psychological associations with food. Many people Have the "Food will make me happy" link. Break it. Don't use food as a reward (I did well on my test!) or as a crutch (I had a bad day--time for ice cream!) These types of mental addictions to the food make it so hard to diet. This is a big one and a hard one, and you might not even realize you do it. FOOD IS NOT A REWARD!!
  • Food is fuel. Don't overfill the tank. If you eat beyond the energy you use, you build fat.
  • Eat smaller portions more often. Never feel hungry--split up your meals to 4-5 smaller meals. Keep healthy snacks around. Crunchy things that require a lot of chewing (ie raw veggies) tend to be more satisfying b/c of the mastication.
  • Have a friend who also wants to lose fat? Buddy up. Keep each other accountable, but don't lie. Lying only cheats yourself. Admit falters, and support each other. Focus on the positive. Its easier when you know someone is going through it with you.
  • There is no shame in asking for help. Just because someone else suggests a method doesn't mean they get credit for your fat loss. It was still *you* who did the hard work. The most they can get is a referral bonus.
  • Start a food journal. Counting calories too much of a pain? Then just write down every. single. thing. that you eat. Just had 2 m&ms? write it down. You'll be amazed at how much is there and how much random snacking there can be. It also makes it easier to cut back on the areas where you're not as disciplined.
  • Don't forget about liquid calories. Soda, Juice, ALCOHOL all have calories. Alcohol is especially bad as its more difficult for the body to process. Try drinking diet beverages, cutting back on alcohol intake, and drink more water.
  • Water weight comes of quick but comes back quick. Actual fat loss is slow--generally 1-2lbs a week is considered a healthy rate. You need a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 lb. This is hard to obtain through diet or exercise alone--so do a little of each.
  • It shouldn't be a diet, it should be a life change. Its not a punishment, its a step to a healthier and hopefully longer life.
  • *ANY* exercise is better than no exercise. Get off the bus one stop earlier. Park further away. Take the stairs instead of elevator/escalator. There are tons of little things you can do to help. They won't make the weight loss rapid, but they will help.
  • Having someone to exercise with is great. It keeps you from slacking, and its more fun. Try to set up regular interval hangings out--for most exercise things you can be chatting & socializing while exercising. Yay multitasking! (this one's not so easy for swimming)
  • Want a bigger exercise goal? Sign up for a 5K run/walk. You've invested money in it, and you're committed to it. You can make tons of running/walking goals with a 5K and you're also donating money to charity (I think every race I've done had some aspect of a charitable donation of the race fund).
  • Stick with it. Losing fat is hard. Eating healthy is hard. But if you keep it up & push through you will get results. If you slip up, thats okay. But don't give up with one mistake. Get back on & keep going. You have to be willing to work for it.
If you ever want to talk to me about it, feel free. You can email me, IM, call, whatever. I can link you to tons of research studies to support my points. I'm more than happy to discuss about anything. or be a workout/diet buddy. I am applying these concepts to myself too, so I will gladly help.

health, diet

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