(no subject)

Jun 04, 2011 14:08

So, if you're in Sherlock fandom you probably haven't missed this fic (link goes to the anon comment version).

Now, there's nothing wrong with it, certainly, the process of coding it alone must have been really time consuming (though I wonder how it works with a screen reader), the fascinating hing about it is the fandom response.

It seems that what fandom really wants isn't well written fic about the characters, isn't deep meta or people having brilliant theories, no, it's fic about ourselves. And not really ourselves either. We want fic about men in fandom, because apparently our own experience as women in fandom just isn't enough. And yes, I am judging you.

The fic I really want written about fandom is meta fic about femslash, and female characters, and how it feels to find a safe space only to realize that you're a fucking freak here too. Not that I mind that much, I've been a fucking freak my entire life, it's just strange that in an environment that is supposedly composed mostly of smart, brilliant women we don't care about out own stories, and when we do we use male characters to tell them. Because men are apparently just that much more interesting.

I will never stop finding this strange. And maybe I should take a break from fandom since it just pisses me off.
This entry was originally posted on DW. Comment where you feel most comfortable. http://aron-kristina.dreamwidth.org/2224.html

feminism, queer thoughts, fandom

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