May 14, 2011 14:18
ESC party tonight! Well, not so much party perhaps, as general hang around and mock people thing. Ok, party. Hopefully we'll be doing our own points, that is always so much fun! And yes, it is more fun when Sweden participates, of course it is. I can be patriotic even though I hate the song, and the fact that the dude can't sing very well, just watch me!
Generally, what makes it worth it is that we always beat UK. Haven't heard the song this year, but the last few years they've sent songs that don't totally sucks, if I remember correctly. It shall be a hard battle!
When it comes to my own creative stuff I'm almost finished with my string quartet, and that's the last piece I'm writing this semester. For school that is. Must go out and record some spring sounds soon, and maybe the ocean.
I've now written two chapters of Sherlock with a kid fic. Please someone beta? It's not mpreg, it's all totally gen, except it was Sherlock/Irene about 15 months back, conveniently at the same time the baby was conceived...
creative stuff,