(no subject)

May 09, 2011 22:49

Things I have learned from fandom, part 1 (because I'm sure there will be at least a part two):

1. The majority of all fanfic is written by people who either have no idea what they're writing about, or are not very good writers. Or both.

2. The majority of all sex scenes are written by people who either have no idea what they're writing about, or are not very good writers. Or both.

3. The majority of people in fandom are women (I seem to remember numbers like 95%, but I might be wrong).

4. Despite fact #3, most fanfic is written about male characters, from a male perspective, focusing on male romantic relationships. (Note: I don't actually have proof about the last statement, it's possible that gen or het beats it, but I doubt it)

5. This proves this quote by Martha Vicinus: "All societies that I know of have denied, controlled, or muted the public expression of active female sexuality." Quote is from the essay "They wonder to which sex I belong."

6. This means, if I'm not making myself clear, that in a subculture, or part of society, that is almost exclusively controlled by women, we, the women, are still controlled by the patriarchy. We still, as a group, cling to our ideas about normativity, gender, race, age, ability, etc. We still see the white, able-bodied, mid-thirties man as the POV character in our own space. We have moved from one space to another and taken all the demons with us.

7. It's strange that you can feel subversive when you write straight porn, but in a very guyslash dominated fandom this is entirely possible.

8. The fics I think are the best written ones of mine are not the ones that get the most comments. The ones that get the most comments and appreciation are always guyslash. When people comment on the stuff I'm really pleased with I get inappropriately happy though.

9. I still think we can, and are, changing, albeit way to slow for my tastes, and I'm glad I've found other people on both LJ and DW who share this belief, and who are, by being themselves, changing the world micrometre by slow micrometre.

This entry was originally posted on DW. Comment where you feel most comfortable. http://aron-kristina.dreamwidth.org/1131.html

feminism, queer thoughts, fandom

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