I've been thinking about making a whiny post now for a while, but frankly, the weather is nice, dinner is in the oven, and I don't currently have any anxiety, so away with the whine!
Shopping for "box of Sweden"-foods is really more difficult than they tell you. I mean, what is Swedish food? And more specifically, Swedish food that can be shipped across the ocean. I want to make meatballs, but just, no... So far it's been a lot of candy, and I would like to send something a bit more inspired. Hmm, Kaviar? Pepparrotsvisp? Swedes, what do you think?
From one thing to another, I need a beta for my
holmestice fic. It's got some potentially triggery stuff, and I'm not sure I want dear
cefyr to have to deal with it. So, any takers?
And finally, a poll!