(no subject)

Apr 22, 2011 17:05

I am on Easter holiday. I have new medication. I'm actually getting things done!

Though, I'm not sure the new meds help yet, since I tend to get a honeymoon at first, before I go back to "normal" (still depressed, that is), so we shall see.

Anyway, fic!!!

Anything At All
Sarah Jane Adventures
Written for apocabigbang 
Rated R

Stealing the TARDIS, or Five Times Parker Met the Doctor
Leverage/Doctor Who
Written for grinninfoole who won the auction for this at helpbrazil2011. This is very late, and I'm sorry about that.
Gen, rated PG-ish.


Everything else, I'm working on it. Stuff will be sent after Easter is over, fic is being written incredibly slowly.

the state of my mind, creative stuff, life, fic

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