(no subject)

Apr 10, 2011 17:48

Spring sign: I had to put on after sun lotion for the first time this year. What with one thing and another by the time it was three I had to go inside and hide from the sun in order to keep my skin unburnt. My plan is to go out running after dinner, but that will be maybe closer to eight, when the sun is about to go down.

There might have been milkshakes in the sun involved. And picnics.


Köbenhavn yesterday was nice :) Really sunny! And we walked to see the little mermaid statue, and had organic food for lunch. The others went to Christiania, but I was tired, so I went home instead. I'll probably go back soon-ish, so I can go to Christiania then. And I've already been there before, but it's pretty nice, if I remember correctly.

We met a friend of my visitors there, and he was... you know that kind of person who talks like he knows everything exactly, even when he's obviously wrong. Yeah, that kind of person. Not a bad person, all in all, just incredibly entitled. Which added to my tiredness, a bit.


My school has auditions for next years students next week, so I'm mostly free (except on thursday, when I'm in the jury for composers) and I'm declaring next week writing week. Or 'finish those old projects up, damn you'-week. So hopefully there'll be some new fic next weekend, and after that I'll go on a writing break for a while. As long as I feel like it. Aside from the stuff I have to finish for next weekend I don't have any writing deadlines. Now, composing deadlines, on the other hand...

thoughts on writing, food, creative stuff, life

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