(no subject)

Jan 26, 2011 17:21

I couldn't sleep last night. My sleep pattern seems completely fucked up. Oh, well. At least I have been in school. Not today though, since I had today off. Well, technically I didn't have any lessons monday or tuesday either, but I finished a piece I was working on, so, well, I had stuff to do.

Yesterday I also managed to kill the electricity to the computer I was working on. Which meant that one hour of work just disappeared, because of course I hadn't saved it. Yeah... People shouldn't put switches where I can reach them by accident. I'm a clumsy person! The world should change according to this, to make it easier for me.

Is it normal to think about killing people? I did that last night when I couldn't sleep. I can blame the lack of sleep, but I was thinking of the best way to kill someone using a stiletto heel. I think going for the neck would be a good option, try to pierce the brainstem, because then you'd die pretty quickly. On the other hand, the heart is not at all a bad option.

I'm maybe not quite awake yet...

I also have no inspiration for fic, which is bad since I have two pieces I should write for the people who bought them in one of the Australia auctions. Well, I just have to suck it up and write them anyway. I've given myself sunday as a deadline. My dad is coming to visit then, so they have to be finished before he shows up :p

i am stupid, insomnia, thoughts on writing, school, creative stuff, composing, life

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