I am trying to write and I don't think I've ever been this slow. There's just no flow. Maybe yesterday's little... thing affected me more than I thought it would. I was thinking of writing about my mental state, and why I'm not always the best at taking criticism, but I'm not in the mood to analyze myself. Maybe tomorrow. It's not only writing words that's slow, writing music is so slow it's almost going backwards.
Other than that there's not much going on. I have a deadline tonight for an exchange I'm writing for, but I can probably be one day late without anyone trying to kill me. Hopefully. Also going to do two ficlets that people bought (well, donated money for). And people are actually trying to outbid each other on one of my
helpbrazil2011 offers. Sadly it's the words offer and not the music offer, on the other hand, people want me to write!!! This is exactly what my self esteem issues need right now :D
Also, if anyone's interested:
here is my fic offer and
here my music offer.