Recs and stuff

Jan 04, 2011 15:32

I've been AWOL since new years eve, basically. There's been stuff going on, mostly working and being tired. Nothing interesting :p

I have a rec: Ghosts and presents bycopper_on_mars Read it. Reeaad iiiiiiiit!!!! She wrote it as a present for me, and it's awesome, it's got Gwen and Lisa being awesomely awesome!!!!!!!!!


I also have Yuletide reveals. I wrote two fics, my assigned one, Remembering games (and daisy chains and laughs), a H2G2 fic, and my pinch hit Home for Christmas, a 10 things I hate about you fic. Yay :D

recs, creative stuff, bestest ever, yuletide, life, fic

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