(no subject)

Sep 10, 2008 20:35

I've now been to medical school for one and a half week. Almost. I didn't go today since I have the cold from hell. No, seriously. I took painkiller, but my head still hurts.

Anyway: medical school! We haven't done much yet, mostly introduction lectures and stuff, but this week we are studying the knee. There is quite a bit to read. I have already identified my two greatest enemies: my lack of study technique and medical english. Since medical english is some sort of bastardized version of the proper latin. I've ordered a dictionary and I'll probably order a book on anatomy with latin and swedish in it. Lots of people have recommended that one.

Other stuff that has happened is the by now expected and anticipated start-of-term-crush. His name is Adam. Well, his name isn't really Adam, but I will call him that. He's one term before me. He's actually, surprise, surprise, taller than me. And he's got really nice, large hands. And his hair.... Ahem! Yes.

Will try to update about my fascinating life as med student.

Also, I made a song mix: http://www.sendspace.com/file/9tokmj

med school, life

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