Oct 04, 2004 21:07
that is all i have to say....
not really..
windy gap.. it was the best experience of my life.. i loved every minute.. i accepted christ.. and matt.. seriously man.. its not that bad.. actually its a really good thing i feel so much better about life now and its awesum you actually feel accepted.. like the nonacceptance it goes away and its great.. but seriously.. its not. well um about the weekend i met so many great girls there! it was awesum.. i loved it.. and i met a lot of the guys and started a lot new friendships. i hope that guy from northwest cabarrus calls me.. (chris) he was really great.. it would be kewl to chill w/him again! thank you so much chris for getting me to go.. ur right i am starting to understand it a lot better. thank you..
later gator