for nkfloofiepoof

Jul 21, 2008 19:18

Title: Wrapped Around Your Finger - for nkfloofiepoof
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Bondage, Voyeurism, Plug and Play and Mech Seckz.
Pairings: Rumble x Rewind. Implied Eject x Frenzy.
Summary: It's the quiet ones you must worry about.
Notes: This began with me joking about Rewind being like those librarian girls who dress up all conservative and wouldn't kill a fly at day, but that turn into dominatrix at night. nkfloofiepoof decided she wanted a piece of that, and thus I complied. A not-so-little gift fic for her because the summer's not treating her well.

To say Rewind was bored was quite the understatement. Bored enough to call Rumble to meet up and share some... fun together. Usually, it was Rumble who requested their outings, shy, polite, archivist Rewind hardly ever called for these meetings.

"You're not nearly as tame as ya let others think," Rumble said bemused, fidgeting a bit to try to make himself as comfortable as he could, given his current bound state.

"It's the quiet ones you have to look out for," Rewind purred against Rumble's audio, brushing the tip of a large object that resembled a riding crop under Rumble's chin.

"I'd say." Rumble snickered, casting a quick glance to his left where his twin brother, Frenzy was tied to a tree's trunk with his own tape as well. "Enjoyin' the show so far?" He asked with a big grin, watching his twin fidget embarrassedly. He knew Frenzy had a voyeuristic streak, and when Eject wasn't around to satisfy Frenzy's own needs, the red and black Cassetticon found his pleasures through watching Rumble and Rewind.

"That's enough talking." Rewind pressed the tip of the long object harder against Rumble's chin. Rewind extended his free hand towards his rival's face, baring the back of it for Rumble to kiss. Obediently, the blue and purple cassette kissed the white fingers of his rival and lover, he knew this game and he loved playing it.

"That's a good 'bot," The black and white cassette smiled behind his mask, his orange visor brightened at Rumble's show of obedience. The Autobot cassette pressed a foot to his lover's chest, pressing firmly to keep him in place but still not enough to hurt just yet. Taking a small cube of a really sweet tasting high-graded energon, Rewind dipped his fingers in the cube, coating the tips with the glowing substance. "Mmnn." Rewind retracted his mask and brought his fingertips to his lip components, licking them clean of the sweet energon, making a show out of it.

Rumble shuddered a little, his own visor brightened while he watched Rewind lick his fingers clean in a deliberately sensual and teasing way. Frenzy whimpered a little, enjoying the sight as well.

The black Autobot cassette dipped his fingers again into the cube, presenting his hand and coated fingers to Rumble. "Clean."

Rumble obliged and began to lick Rewind's fingers clean in long, sensual licks, occasionally taking in a fingertip into his mouth to ensure he left no traces of the energon. Rewind moaned and added a little more pressure to his foot over Rumble's chest, idly brushing the riding crop-like object along his own legs.

"So well behaved today, Rumble," Rewind commented and bent forward to bring his face close to his lover's, licking the rival cassette's lip components, then pulling away, adding more pressure to his foot, enough to hurt just a little.

"I'm feelin' cooperative for now," Rumble teased and made a soft sound of discomfort, a sound that found an echo on Frenzy's own vocal processors. All of them knew shy, little Frenzy was the most vocal during interfacing, and both Rewind and Rumble had grown a taste for Frenzy's sounds of passion as background 'music' for their own interfacing.

"Don't get too cocky now, Rumble. I'm feeling merciful right now, but that could change." Rewind brushed the tip of the riding crop-like object along Rumble's thighs, edging closer to his knee joint where he knew the other was exceptionally sensitive. He smiled when the action had the expected reaction and Rumble groaned low and lustful.

Deciding he had played nice long enough and knowing Rewind was expecting his cue to go further into their little game, the Decepticon cassette became more defiant. "So, are ya untying me any time soon?" Rumble asked with a cheeky grin, purring seductively.

Rewind brushed the tip of his foot along the purple cassette's chest, tracing the tape bands over his chest "Beg me and I'll consider it."

"Make me." Rumble shuddered but his grin never faltered.

Rewind added more pressure to his foot and bent to bring his face closer to Rumble's, running a fingertip along the Rumble's tape that kept the Decepticon cassette bound. "Believe me, I intend to."

"Mmm, lookin' forward to that." Rumble purred, shuddering again as Frenzy's little mewl reached his audios. He could tell Rewind heard it too, for the other cassette brushed his hand over his own thigh teasingly for Frenzy's enjoyment.

"We'll see how you like it when I get through with you, pet." Rewind pressed the tip of that long object hard against Rumble's cheek. The Autobot cassette subspaced an item he presented to his rival, smiling seductively. "I believe you know what this is."

"Oh, Primus...!" Rumble's optics widened behind his visor, staring a little shocked at the multi connector adapter Rewind held in his hand. "Ya're really goin' t'plug that one into me?!"

"That's the plan, unless you'd rather beg for mercy." Rewind straddled the purple and blue Decepticon, holding him down with his body's weight while his deft fingers undid the other's restraints just enough to shift the tape and uncover certain parts of Rumble's body. "Open up," he ordered, tapping the uncovered portion of Rumble's arm.

"Make me." Rumble tilted his head back in defiance and open invitation. Rewind's optics narrowed behind the visor and his pleasant expression turned to one of disgust and barely contained anger.

"Suit yourself." With that, Rewind moved forward to capture Rumble's lip components in a rough kiss, his free hand began to tease the seams of the small cover hiding one of Rumble's access ports, all the while uttering muffled but clearly exaggerated moans and whimpers, which in turn triggered Frenzy's own loud sounds of pleasure.

Rumble returned the kiss just as roughly and heated, his glossa battled Rewind's for domination until the combination of vibration and sound weakened his will and the first access port was revealed. Rewind reached idly for the first cable and plugged it carelessly on the available port. Slowly but surely, he forced Rumble to open up four more access ports for him and the Decepticon cassette soon found himself connected with the device. But Rewind wasn't done yet.

The sixth cable was longer and a different color than the ones plugged into Rumble's ports. Moving slowly and teasingly, Rewind made his way to the, by now, writhing Frenzy, loosening his own bonds enough to part the tape and reveal his back's interface port. "Open up, Frenzy."

Unlike Rumble, Frenzy offered no resistance and willingly opened his own port, moaning unabashed when the cable was plugged in and he could feel Rumble's systems in synchrony with his own in addition to the bond they shared.

With a slight shove, the Autobot cassette forced Frenzy to lay face down and brought his foot to his face. Frenzy needed no orders and kissed the Autobot's foot. Rewind smiled satisfied and turned back to Rumble. "Now, are you going to beg?"

Rumble shook his head stubbornly, smirking in open defiance.

Rewind chuckled softly and leaned over Rumble, pressing himself against the other cassette's body. "Is that so? Wouldn't you like to touch me, my dear?" Rewind shifted a little to make his body rub against Rumble's, the sensation echoing back to Frenzy who moaned and shivered, sending feedback to his twin in return.

"You know Frenzy won't overload if you don't either. Isn't it cruel to deny your brother like that?" Rewind's lips nibbled Rumble's neck wiring. "If you just ask for it nicely I'll give you both what you want."

But Rumble resisted, groaning softly as he felt his excitement growing not only from what Rewind was doing, but from Frenzy's feedback.

The game kept going for the good part of an hour, and by now Frenzy was writhing and uttering impassioned nonsense, on the brink of overload but not quite there yet. Rumble wasn't too far off himself, and his resolve was beginning to weaken. He gave Rewind enough room for his fantasies, and both knew it was time to finish it.

"Well, Rumble?" Rewind asked amidst little laps over the Decepticon's knee join.

Rumble couldn't hold back anymore. "Please..." He breathed, feeling every inch of his body on fire.

"Please what, pet?" Rewind stopped his assault over his lover's knee joint and straddled him again, finger sneaking under the tape, teasing the heated plating underneath.

"Please, master, overload me!"

Rewind smiled and leaned forward to plant a chaste, loving kiss on Rumble's lips. "It'll be my pleasure, love." The black and white cassette undid the restraints, and Rumble was quick to wrap his arms around Rewind, kissing him hungrily, hands moving frantically over the other's plating, searching for those sweet spots he knew all too well, bringing Rewind close to his own overload.

"Yes, Rumble!" Rewind held the other close to him, arching into his touch, pressing himself tightly against him. "Scream my name, love. Overload and call my name..."

And as overload hit them both, Rumble screamed Rewind's name in a deafening cry of pleasure, sharing his overload with Frenzy through the connection and their sparks' bond, feeling each other overload twice. The energy built in bleed into Rewind who reached his own overload, clinging tightly onto Rumble's frame, moaning his lover's name softly before all three of them offlined from the intense experience.

By the time Rewind onlined again, He stared into the very amused, smug grin of his own twin, Eject. "Having fun without me, I see."

"Mmm, yeah, sorry about that," Rewind mumbled tiredly, nuzzling against the Rumble's body. The Decepticon twins were free of their bonds, presumably by Eject's doing.

"Yeah, I'm sure you are." Eject snickered and nuzzled Frenzy's neck, his own lover still deeply in recharge, just like Rumble. "So, how many kinks did you manage to slip in, in this quarter?"

Rewind smiled smugly. "Not enough."

Eject chuckled and shook his head.

rewind, gift fics, eject, rumble, nc-17, cassettes, frenzy

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