Sleep with angels

Jul 03, 2008 16:18

Title: Shattered Glass: Once And For All (3/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, implied mental and physical abuse, and implied hints of twins going at it.
Pairings: Implied SunstereakerxSideswipe, One sided CyclonusxSideswipe.
Characters: Sideswipe, Cyclonus, Prowl, Jazz, Ricochet, Sunstreaker, Starscream, Megatron. Mention of Soundwave, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Blurr and Goldbug.
Summary: Left for dead after a battle, Sideswipe is taken in by the Decepticons, but his thoughts still linger around one of the Autobots.
Notes: Don't ask me where the heck the 'buddy crush' Cyclonus thing with Sideswipe came from. The damn thing wrote itself in the plot. The fate of Skywarp and Thundercracker I'm leaving it 'uncertain' right now and open to interpretation, either they didn't make it or they're too damaged/screwed to take to battle, you choose.

Not Beta'ed so, feel free to correct me.

"This is ridiculous!"

Prowl watched calmly as Cyclonus paced a hole in the control room. Ever since Soundwave's return and subsequent relying of Sunstreaker's situation Sideswipe began to concoct plans to attempt the rescue of his twin. Most of the plans the younger mech had come with involved his own capture in attempts to reach his twin.

Cyclonus was the first and most vocal opposition to his plans, and the tension between the two mechs was so strong one expected sparks to fly if either passed by the other.

Prowl was very aware of the reasons why Cyclonus was so opposed to Sideswipe's attempts to rescue his brother. When Sideswipe was originally brought in by Hook and Scrapper, Cyclonus brought up the most opposition to allow him to remain among the Decepticons and didn't trust him at first. He watched Sideswipe's every movement and was ready to raise his weaponry against him if he felt his actions were suspicious. The hostility slowly faded away and was replaced by comradery and a good natured bickering between the two, and as time passed, Cyclonus and Sideswipe became close friends. Prowl dared to suspect there was perhaps a little more than just feelings of friendship on Cyclonus' part.

"We can't let him do this! I can't begin to fathom the things the Autobots will do to him if they get their servos on him!"

Prowl watched the other mech's features grow more and more agitated to punctuate his anxiety and distress.

"We can't let him do it, Prowl!"

"What else can we do, then?" Prowl asked evenly, watching the orange and red mech stop his pacing and look at him with an expression of uncertainty.

"I don't know..." Cyclonus admitted softly, looking away.

"Sideswipe is determined to find his brother, and if I've learned something about him in the time he's spent with us, is that he will heed no warnings." Prowl picked a data pad and pressed his stylus to several points within the pad. "The best we can do is to try to polish his strategy and assist him to the best of our capacity. Trying to stop him will only force him to take on more reckless actions."

"Megatron won't allow this, it's too risky!" Cyclonus rubbed his face wearily.

Prowl cast a quick, annoyed glance at the other mech, "Megatron will allow it. He didn't stop Starscream from trying to find Skywarp and Thundercracker."

"And we know how well that went."

"The outcome is irrelevant," the strategist set his pad down and closed the distance to the red mech, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sideswipe needs this, Cyclonus, and you of all mechs should know it. You can't tie him down no matter how well you mean it." Prowl gave a gentle squeeze to the other mech's shoulder and moved back to pick his pad, heading out of the control room.

Cyclonus fixed his glance on the ground half wishing he could actually weld Sideswipe to a berth to keep him safe.


"Why are we the ones that have to feed this brute?" Ricochet grumbled all the way through the corridors to an specific sector within the Iacon base's brig, carrying a tray containing a couple of energon cubes.

"I dunno, bro, maybe because we're, you know, the grunts?" Jazz replied sarcastically, tapping the barrel of his rifle to his shoulder as they made their way to the specific cell they were looking for.

"It's only a matter of time until we step up in the rank ladder, then we'll get some respect." Ricochet watched his twin stop by the cell's door and type in the access code.

"Yeah, you do that. I'll sit back an' watch the fireworks when that happens."

"You have no ambition, Jazz. Don't you wish to be something more than a mere grunt in this army?" The orange twin narrowed his optics behind his visor.

"My ambition is to be smart an' stay alive. The stabbin' in the back among the higher ranks ain't worth the benefits, besides, nobody suspects the grunts, bro, ya dig?" Jazz smirked and stepped aside when the door of the cell opened.

"Hmmp! Whatever," Ricochet snarled and stepped inside taking just a few steps further and looking around the dark cell for any signs of the prisoner. "Where the slag is that creep?"

As if acting on command, a pair of glowing red optics powered up amidst the shadow at the far end of the room, Ricochet couldn't hold back a shudder. "Ugh, I don't wanna go closer, this guy creeps me out."

Jazz snickered and shook his head, approaching his twin he took the tray and nudged the other harshly towards the door. "Yeah, yeah, you're all big words an' no action, bro. Go guard the door, if I need ya I'll scream real loud."

"Fragger," Ricochet smirked but did as he was told, he preferred to let his twin deal with this particular prisoner after all.

Jazz stepped closer to the thicker shadows where the dim red optics cast just the barest hint of light over the facial plating. "Hey, Sunny. I brought yer ration." A soft growl was his only reply.

"Don't go growlin' on me now, Sunny, ya know I don't like this anymore than you do but I ain't gonna get on the big guy's bad side over it." Jazz's smirk turned into a small, honest smile and he reached a hand gently to the other mech's helm. "I'mma leave it here an' let ya drink it yerself, ok? Don't toss it away like the last time or Prime will send Blurr to force-feed ya again."

Sunstreaker whispered something so low that Jazz was only able to hear it by grace of his enhanced hearing. "I dunno, Sunny. We haven't seen battle these past few cycles, but I'll ask Goldbug 'bout it later, ok?"

The sound of chains rattling against the floor of the cell alerted Jazz of the copper hand enshrouded in shadows that reached for the energon cube. "'Kay, I gotta get goin', now." Jazz stood up and took a few steps away with the tray under his arm. He cast a last glance to the other mech and headed out of the cell, closing the door and pressing the code to lock it.

"He's still asking about that traitor?" Ricochet asked as put his rifle aside to take the tray.

"Yep," Jazz said and picked the rifle instead, resting it back against his shoulder as he and his twin began to walk out of the sector.

"Why do you even bother talking to him anyway?"

"No harm in humorin' the 'bot." Jazz shrugged "Makes it easier to give him his ration."

"He still creeps me out." Ricochet shuddered again.

Jazz snickered again and grinned at his brother's disapproving look.


"Are you sure this is what you want to do, Sideswipe?" Megatron asked while he reviewed the plans handed to him by Prowl.

"Yes, sir. I need to do this, I need to find out Sunstreaker. I owe it to him to bring him out of that asylum." Sideswipe side glanced to Prowl and Starscream who were standing next to Megatron before he fixed his gaze back on the Decepticon leader.

"I am sure we can at least provide you some cover--"

"Sir, please don't." Sideswipe shook his head. "I cannot let you risk personnel to assist me in this. This fight is mine and mine alone."

"At least allow us to help you with the retrieval." Prowl offered and extended a second pad to the younger mech.

Sideswipe took the pad and read it over to see Prowl's proposed tactic to infiltrate on his own along with Decepticon back up once Sunstreaker was secured. "I... suppose I can go along with this plan, yes."

"Sir?" Starscream looked back at Megatron.

Megatron vented a heavy sigh and laced his fingers together, thinking things over for a moment. "All right, you have my permission, Sideswipe, but I want you to keep in contact at all times. Starscream, I want you to assembly a small team in stand by for Sideswipe's retrieval. Sideswipe you are to leave in seven joors, anything you need you may request from Shockwave. You are dismissed."

Sideswipe and Starscream nodded and saluted, leaving Megatron's office. Prowl stayed behind and looked back to their leader.

"Think he'll succeed, Prowl?"

"His probabilities of success are very low," Prowl admitted with grim certainty. "But Sideswipe has a way to pull through against the worst odds. Hopefully his luck won't run out this time."

Megatron smiled a little to his strategist and advisor. "I thought you didn't believe in luck, Prowl."

"I don't." Prowl looked back at the doors of the office. "But in this case, I feel compelled to make an exception."

Megatron nodded and powered down his optics for a moment. "Let us wish him luck, then."

megatron, jazz, sideswipe, sunstreaker, shatteredglass, prowl, starscream

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