Oh how I wish for soothing rain~

Jun 30, 2008 04:26

Title: Shattered Glass: Once And For All (2/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, implied mental and physical abuse, and implied hints of twins going at it.
Pairings: Implied SunstereakerxSideswipe. BlasterxSoundwave.
Characters: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Scrapper, Whisper, Cyclonus, Soundwave, Megatron, Starscream, Prowl. Mention of Ravage, Laserbeak, Eject, Rewind and Optimus Prime.
Summary: Left for dead after a battle, Sideswipe is taken in by the Decepticons, but his thoughts still linger around one of the Autobots.
Notes: Yes, I made Ravage a female in this instance. I tried, and I hope I didn't fail, to not make Sunstreaker too 'clingy', but wanted to make a point of Sideswipe being the one keeping things 'in line' for both of them.

Not Beta'ed so, feel free to correct me.

"Would you like to dance?" A beautiful female asked casually, cocking her head lightly to the side in a subtle but seductive invitation.

"I'm not in the mood to dance at the moment, sorry." Sunstreaker turned around, blatantly ignoring the female, and headed to one of the tables in the large gallery, sitting down by his twin with an annoyed frown.

"She's pretty," Sideswipe commented casually, sparing a quick glance to the female his brother had just turned down.

"Mmhmm, she's not bad." Sunstreaker reached for a cube of high-grade and sipped its contents, shuddering a little at the strong brew. "But she's not my type."

"Aha," Sideswipe chuckled and nibbled absently on an energon treat. "And what is 'your type', bro?"

The copper and black mech shrugged but cast a small mischievous glance at his twin. "You should know. Why do you ask anyway?"

"Just curious, you know? Was wondering if you intended to find someone someday or stay stuck with me."

Sunstreaker frowned deeply at that, "I'm not stuck with you. You should know I want what we have." tension was suddenly visible in his entire frame. "Do you feel you're stuck with me, Sideswipe?"

"Sunny, please, don't ever say that. You know I also want this." Sideswipe smiled a little for his twin, trying to be as reassuring as he could with the simple gesture. "But I want you to know if you ever want to take in others or you find someone you like I am not against it, all right? I just want you to be happy, bro."

"I know." Sunstreaker nodded and relaxed. "Maybe one day, but for now you're all I want and need."

"The day would come sooner if you stop acting like a smart aft around people, though."



"Shove a gasket in it."


Sideswipe groaned as he was pulled out of his recharge cycle, one that would have been far more refreshing and empowering if it wasn't plagued by dreams about himself and his twin.

"You look like slag."

Sideswipe groaned again and rubbed his head gently, willing himself to come out of the stupor of the restless recharge. "Hello, Cyclonus. Do you need something?"

Cyclonus shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest plates, "Megatron wants us in the war room in two breems, Ravage is back and brought us some really important intel."

"Got it. I'll be there in a moment."

Cyclonus nodded and turned around to leave Sideswipe's quarters but stopped before the door, looking over his shoulder to the younger mech. "You should talk to Hook about those... issues with your recharge cycle."

"I doubt he can do much about it, but I will." Sideswipe spared a sheepish smile to the other mech and headed to the small dispenser in his quarters to get his ration of energon, hoping that'd help him to clear the fog in his processors. "It's gonna be a long cycle...".

Less than a breem later, Sideswipe was sitting next to Starscream in the war room while Soundwave explained the information Ravage collected on her latest infiltration mission to Iacon.

"Vessel's designation: The Ark. Construction: primary stage. Completion estimate: approximately sixty cycles." Soundwave informed while he displayed the information recorded by Ravage. " Destination: unknown. Optimus Prime's intent: expansion, farming of resources on other planets."

"Farming resources?" Scrapper asked.

"Currently due to the massacre Optimus Prime's forces inflicted on the Cybertronian population the amount of living inhabitants of the planet has dropped to one third of the total existing when Optronix started his revolution." Starscream explained. "Because of that, and despite the current estate Cybertron is on, the planet is still producing more than enough liquid energon for anyone with the capacity to refine it."

"Er... what?" Whisper stared blankly at the second in command.

"With so few of us left, there's currently no shortage of energon and we're able to fuel ourselves properly." Prowl, who was sitting across Starscream explained. "Most of the remaining neutrals do not have the means to harvest energon as easily as we do, therefor it's more than likely Prime's intentions are to overstock in energon to sway the remaining neutrals to his side. Or to overpower our weaponry, since they would be able to expend larger amounts of energon to power more weapons."


"In any case," Megatron turned back to the blueprints Soundwave was currently displaying. "We cannot allow Prime to leave the planet, for our sake and that of other worlds."

"Agreed." Soundwave nodded and turned the display off.

"Starscream, Prowl, options?" Megatron cast a quick glance to his second in command and strategist.

"If I may, mighty Megatron," Starscream gestured for Soundwave to turn the display back on and show the blue prints once more and began to offer potential weak points in the structure. Prowl offered tactical input regarding the battle plans to disable the vessel.

Sideswipe was paying as much attention as he could muster at the moment, though his thoughts were still centered in that other presence within his ember, his brother. "So, we're just going to go ahead and attack?"

"Negative. It's too early to attack, the construction of the ship just began and a strike this early won't do us any good." Prowl explained and turned to face Soundwave. "Do we have any information regarding the construction site?"

"Negative. Ravage, Laserbeak: can acquire informat--" Soundwave tensed suddenly, hearing a voice in his mind.

'Come. I need you.'

"Soundwave?" Megatron arched an optic ridge at his communication's officer. Soundwave shook his head lightly and looked back to his leader.

"Megatron, he is calling."

Megatron nodded in understanding and addressed Starscream. "Starscream, could you escort him to the meeting point?"

"Of course."

The Decepticon leader turned to address his remaining officers. "The meeting is adjourned."

Sideswipe looked over to Soundwave, if what Starscream told him before was true, the other Decepticon was going to meet up with his Autobot lover. "Soundwave?" Sideswipe moved quickly and brushed a hand to the communication's officer's arm. "Soundwave, could you..."

Soundwave didn't need to be told what Sideswipe wanted, he could hear it clearly in his mind. The visor wearing mech nodded. "Will confirm situation with Sunstreaker."

Sideswipe smiled a little and stepped aside. "Thank you, Soundwave."

Soundwave nodded once more and followed after Starscream, the calling in his mind growing more and more insistent.


"Here we are. I'll be back for you when you send the signal." Starscream flew in circles for a few moments before turning to return to the Decepticon stronghold. "Be careful, Soundwave."

Soundwave nodded and headed towards the remains of a building that used to be an education center at one point. He followed the usual route towards one of the cells at the far end of the building and, as he expected, a dark blue and red mech was waiting for him.

"You came..." The dark mech whispered with a rather content smile.

"Always will," Soundwave replied softly and cast a quick glance to the other mech, frowning behind his visor at the traces of fresh energon in his lover's armor.

"A mini-bot had a problem with me coming here." Blaster answered the unspoken question. "He won't have any problem about it now." A soft chuckle left the larger mech's vocal processor but reached for something to clean the traces away from his armor, as he did not wish to stain his lover with the 'foul' blood of the mini-bot. Soundwave worried every time he saw that kind of displays from his lover, knowing very well Blaster stood in that fine line between sanity and insanity. Whatever the Autobots did to him or their children that forced him to remain with them Soundwave didn't know, but he was very aware that his presence and these small reprieves they could share were one of the few things that kept Blaster from crossing the line.

"I've missed you so badly." Blaster whispered and encircled his arms around Soundwave's waist capturing his lips in a searing kiss as soon as the other retracted his mask. Soundwave returned the gesture with as much passion, but pulled away before Blaster could deepen the affection.

"Eject and Rewind?" He asked with concern tinting his monotone voice.

"Hanging in there as much as they can." Blaster pulled Soundwave closer, nuzzling his neck softly. "It's been so long," Blaster murmured absently against the cabling of the smaller mech's neck nibbling gently, barely able to contain himself.

"Blaster?" Soundwave asked softly, tilting his head a little to allow the other mech better access.

"Yes?" The dark mech purred softly, lifting the smaller mech easily and set him down in the miraculously nearly intact desk in the room.

"Sunstreaker: current situation?" He managed to ask before he jerked a little under Blaster's exploration. The dark mech stopped his affections for a moment, meeting the Decepticon's optics hidden behind the visor with his own.

"Not good, Soundwave. He's alive and relatively unharmed, but... he's not quite there anymore. Prime keeps him locked somewhere in the base, but I don't know where exactly." Blaster frowned deeply, knowing all too well the kind of tender care Prime could administer to his own soldiers.

Soundwave nodded and brought his hands up to cup Blaster's face, pulling him down for a soft kiss, intending to make his lover forget about everything for a while. Blaster was only too happy to let the other take his mind off things.

soundwave, sideswipe, blasterxsoundwave, sunstreaker, blaster, shatteredglass

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