Title: Shattered Glass: Once And For All (1/??)
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, implied mental and physical abuse, and implied hints of twins going at it.
Pairings: Implied SunstereakerxSideswipe.
Characters: Sideswipe. Mention of Hook, Optronix/Optimus Prime, Goldbug, Megatron, Starscream, Sunstreaker.
Summary: Left for dead after a battle, Sideswipe is taken in by the Decepticons, but his thoughts still linger around one of the Autobots.
Notes: Setting somewhat in the Timelines Shattered Glass multi-verse. Since we know nothing about Sunstreaker in reality I took the liberty of playing with his character a little. There are implications of twincest but nothing past the implication. XP Sorry, not in the mood for smut. Also, in this continuity they seem to call sparks as 'ember', so, when I refer to an ember, I mean a spark. When I use 'cycle' I mean the equivalent of a day (instead of my usual 'orn') This one's very short because I'm setting up 'ze mood'.
Not Beta'ed so, feel free to correct me.
Sideswipe sighed heavily, dropping himself in the small berth within his modest quarters. Sometimes he wondered why Megatron bothered to give him private quarters when they were short in living space in the first place, but he couldn't say he didn't welcome the solitude at the moment. It had been so long, he couldn't remember exactly how much time had gone by since the day Megatron's second, Starscream, picked his damaged body and brought him to Hook's tender mercies.
He had sworn off the Autobot creed the moment he found himself cared by Megatron's fold, but even now, so many meta-cycles later, Sideswipe's thoughts kept wondering towards the Autobots. More specifically, towards a certain Autobot. Sideswipe knew he had to be alive, he would have felt it on his ember if his twin were dead, and that knowledge haunted him cycle after cycle. Just how his twin, Sunstreaker, was doing?
The information he could feel through their unique bond was chaotic at best, not too different from the usual when it came to his brother, and they were too far from each other to try to establish any sort of communication. So, all in all, Sideswipe knew nothing about his brother's condition and that made things all the more difficult.
Many vorns ago, things were so different. Sideswipe used to be a very successful merchant, cultured and charming, he wasn't above using underhanded tactics to get what he wanted, and he usually got whatever he fancied. His life was as perfect as it could be, baring the little detail of keeping an optic on his brother, Sunstreaker.
A renowned artist, expert in many trades, Sunstreaker was a handful to keep an optic on. Vain and egotistical with other mechs, Sideswipe knew his twin was a very insecure and unstable mech behind his pretensions of superiority and borderline sociopathic attitude. Sunstreaker craved for approval, for any little taste of respect other mechs could give him. He gained much of that through his art and performances. Accomplished musician, actor and graphic artist, Sunstreaker was a name spoken often among the Iaconian socialites.
Despite that, Sunstreaker's behavior and aloof attitude often brought other adjectives to his name, and little did these mechs and femmes knew about the reasons why Sunstreaker behaved in such a way. Behind closed doors the strong and beautiful Sunstreaker was insecure of his own worth, of his own value as individual. Everyone loved his art, his music, and his performances, but very few, if any, cared for him.
Many times Sideswipe's twin would find outlet for his frustration in his paintings, other times a poor, beaten drone would take the abuse. Many more, however, found Sideswipe laying down underneath his brother's weight, caressing and being caressed, kissing and being kissed in return, giving himself unscathed to his other half. He let Sunstreaker do whatever he wished with him, all the while pouring through their embers' bond just how loved Sunstreaker was, how valued, how cared for he was.
And those were the times when Sunstreaker was at his happiest, when he'd be given the chance to love and care for someone and feel the feeling reciprocated just as intensely. The feeling being real, true and honest. Submitting to whatever Sunstreaker wished to do was never a problem for Sideswipe, bonding with him in any form and shape made Sideswipe feel complete.
But then, one cycle, Sideswipe betrayed himself and his brother. The cycle he let his curiosity get the best of him and attended to Optronix's public speech. The cycle he signed his ember to the Autobots and the devil himself that Optronix would become. The cycle he sealed his brother's fate. To this cycle, the guilt still consumed him, running through his being at every time, even when he didn't show it before others.
He remembered clearly the cycle of the ambush when he was attacked and injured, left for dead by Goldbug under Optimus Prime's instructions. On the verge of unconsciousness he could hear Sunstreaker's cries. "He's alive! Sideswipe's alive! We can't leave him!" Sideswipe shuddered, hearing those desperate cries ringing fresh in his mind. The anguish in his twin's voice, the sounds of struggling and protests as he was sure Sunstreaker was dragged against his will away from the battle field an his would be tomb.
After he formally joined the Decepticons Sideswipe marched into every battle against his former allies with apprehension, both looking forward to see his brother again and afraid to face him in the battle field. It was relieving but also worrisome that he never saw Sunstreaker in the battle field.
"Sunstreaker..." Sideswipe subspaced a small metal plate, painted over its polished surface was Iacon's landscape. The once glorious Iacon that Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had lived in. The Iacon that was no more. "Oh, brother, where are you? What has become of you?"
Sideswipe set the plate away and strode to the window of his quarters, staring longingly in Iacon's direction. He had to find Sunstreaker. He just had to.