Guess who gave in and did the music meme again?

Jun 09, 2008 05:40

I couldn't help myself, I got this horrible temptation to do the music meme again. I uploaded or linked to videos of the songs to help recognize them when possible. Uploaded the ones I couldn't find in youtube. The first one won't make much sense if you haven't read Forgotten Lament, I'm afraid.

01- Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 - Redemption (Prowl, Starscream's Ghost) - Click Here To Listen.

"Tell me, Prowl," Starscream flashed a cocky grin, his red optics deigned a glance to the glowing blade coiled around Prowl's arm. "Tell me, oh, Reaver of sparks, do you truly believe finishing me off will be the end of it?"

Prowl narrowed his optics, feeling the foul caress of the spectral blade tingling his arm. Oh, how he loathed its touch. He couldn't wait to thrust that blade of energy through Starscream's ghost and send him to the Matrix like he should have, and put a definitive end to his curse.

"I can promise you this, Prowl, if you raise that accursed blade against me, it won't be the end. Oh, no, He will never let you go. Once you prove how good a servant you are for him, he'll do anything to keep you doing his dirty work." Starscream's words were tinted with a sadistic pleasure matched only by the disgusting glint of delight in his ghostly optics. "Finish me, Prowl, and you're willingly signing your spark to that monster."

"Shut up!" Prowl growled, gripping the newly formed hilt of the blade and charged against the Decepticon ghost.

02 - SoundTEMP - Dreamer's Dream. (Prowl/Jazz) - Click Here To Listen.

When Jazz asked to borrow one of the combat training rooms and demanded for Red Alert to keep his cameras offline during his time using it, his claims assured he intended to teach Prowl to dance. Everyone believed him.

"Kick," Jazz instructed the Datsun, his voice was firm and commanding but also reassuring. "Punch, punch, kick."

"Are you sure this is going to help?" Prowl did as he was told, punching an invisible enemy, kicking a leg, then the other, following each command given to him.

"It will," Jazz replied with confidence. "Loosen up, Prowl, feel the beat, move in time with the music, time your strikes with it."

Prowl concentrated and offlined his optics, letting the vibration of the loud trance music dictate the appropriate time to move. Coincidentally, Jazz's commands matched the vibrations.

"Harder Prowl, ya gotta pretend you're really hittin' something. Do it like this." Jazz took a relaxed stance for a moment before he exploded in a torrent of fluid motion and grace, spinning, rolling, kicking and punching a myriad of enemies that did not exist, always following the beat of the loud melody he played.

When Prowl asked Jazz to teach him to dance, this was far from what he expected their lessons to go. But for the tactician expert in the art of Diffusion it wasn't hard to appreciate the beauty and effectivity of the saboteur's Metallikato 'dancing' style.

03 - Danny Elfman - This is Halloween. (Sam/Mikaela, Miles, Bumblebee TF2007) - Click Here To Listen.

"What are you doing?" Bumblebee asked and reached to poke the large orange vegetable Sam, Miles and Mikaela were stabbing repeatedly.

"Carving pumpkins for Halloween, 'Bee!" Mikaela answered cheerfully and turned hers around, showing she was carving Bumblebee's face into it. "When you're done carving it you put a candle inside and you turn it into a jack-o-lantern."

"Why would you do that?" Bumblebee asked with interest, while he managed to take a peek to Sam's who was trying to carve the Autobot insignia in his pumpkin.

"It's something we do on Halloween, here. Not exactly sure why, but it's fun."

"Plus, they look wicked cool at night when you light them up!" Miles piped in and turned his pumpkin around to show a more traditional scary face in his.

Bumblebee nodded and sat a bit closer to the working teenagers, watching in fascination as they stabbed more pumpkins as they finished the first ones. He was looking forward to see what Halloween was like.

04 - The Beatles - A Taste of Honey (??/Bumblebee TF2007) - Click Here To Listen.

Fingers slid over the facial plating, feeling each little component slowly and thoroughly, as if trying to memorize every little inch of the scout's face.

Lips brushed against the plates covering the place where his mouth would be, if he had one. It had to be his imagination, or wishful thinking perhaps, but he could swear he could taste the lips that caressed him. Sweet, oh so sweet, and he wanted more and more.

Ian Ritchie - Lonely Planet (Globe Trekker Version.) (Hound/Mirage) - Click Here To Listen.

"You miss it." Hound spoke softly, looking intently into the beautiful blue optics that looked back into his own. "You miss our home."

"That's no secret," Mirage whispered and allowed the scout fingers to stroke his cheek.

"You're mourning." Hound's lips traced down the length of Mirage's nose. His free hand sneaked under the spy's waist, stroking the edge of his cockpit.

Mirage moaned softly and held the green mech closer to himself. "I can't help it," he murmured softly and locked his lips with the scout. "I miss my home, even if you're happy here. This is not my place. It never will, Hound." Mirage whispered in between soft sounds of approval to Hound's ministrations over his frame.

Hound pulled away just a little and watched his lover's face for what felt like minutes, until he finally spoke. "I can't take you back home, Mirage --Not now at least," Hound said softly as he extended a hand. "But I can at least give you this."

Mirage tilted his head, confused, casting a glance to his lover's hand and suddenly the room was changing around them, no longer the simple quarters they shared in the Ark, but instead a reproduction of a room that once existed, long, long ago. The windows of the room framing the sight of the Towers not far away, just as he remembered them.

Mirage knew they were an illusion, nothing but a hologram to cover up the dull surroundings of their quarters in the Ark. It didn't matter to him, because at least for now he could pretend he was back home, at peace, in the arms of someone he loved and who loved him back.

06 - B. J. Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head (Trailbreaker) - Click Here To Listen.

He stood under the pouring rain that pelted the Ark and bathed the arid soil. Arms spread out, head lifted up facing the rain, and a content smile plastered on his face.

Trailbreaker let the rain wash over him, feeling each drop's impact against his plating, and the pathway left on it as the drops rolled off of his body, falling into the thirsty soil beneath.

Rain felt so good, so fresh, so healing. He could feel each drop wash him and purify his body and his spark, the weariness rolling off of him along the drops. It didn't matter how hard it rained, each time was always so soothing for him, like the caress of a forgiving deity stripping him off of his worries and his pains. Rain was wonderful. Rain set him free.

07 - Yamane Michiru - Castlevania - Bloody Tears (Prowl/Jazz, Bluestreak - Click Here To Listen.

It was frightening. If all the others could see him like this he was sure they would find him as frightening as he, himself, did. He hadn't meant to, he didn't want it to be like this. He lost control and he hated himself for it.

He was covered in mech fluids and energon from tip to toe, staining his bright red chevron, his chest plates, his face.

Prowl was the first to move to him, and Jazz joined him almost immediately. Both mechs wrapped their arms around him, helping him up.

"It's all right, Blue," Jazz whispered soothingly, reaching a black hand to brush away the stains of energon over his left cheek, which looked like tears, tears formed by another mech's vital fluids.

"He left you no choice," Prowl murmured reassuringly, squeezing the youngling's shoulder reassuringly, while his other white hand reached to clean off the other trail of energon over his face. But Bluestreak could barely pay attention to their words, his optics were locked in the facial plates of the mech he once considered as his creator.

08 - Hell if I know Who - Bonanza (TV size) (Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Grimlock) - Click Here To Listen.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Optimus Prime asked with evident doubt in his voice.

"Sure," Wheeljack's head fins flashed a bright blue, and every mech present could just see the smile in his happy voice. The other Autobots stepped back cautiously while their fearless leader accepted the reins Wheeljack handed to him and proceeded to seat himself on the saddle... the saddle attached to Grimlock's back.

09 - Percy Faith - Theme of A Summer Place. (Inferno/Red Alert, Bumblebee) - Click Here To Listen.

Inferno hummed softly and swayed his torso contently from side to side with the happiest, goofiest smile in his face. All the mechs that passed by him cast a curious glance at him before going on their way.

Many mechs passed him by and finally one dared to ask. Before any question could be asked, Inferno brought a finger to his lips to indicate the mech to not speak. When the mech, Bumblebee, turned around Inferno a little to see him better, the Beetle smiled as well, for curled up in his lap was a recharging Red Alert.

10 - Scatman Crothers (yes, -that- Scatman Crothers) - Ghost Riders In The Sky (Prowl/Jazz) Click Here To Listen

Prowl wasn't sure how Jazz managed to acquire the accessory he was currently sporting, though he suspected it was Ironhide's doing if the red mech being in possession of a similar item was any indication.

The fact Jazz was currently sitting on the chair of his desk in their shared quarters, with his legs crossed and resting on top of it, and singing a song about cowboys and red eyed cows with hooves made of steel, and black and shiny horns; was oddly amusing.

The dark cowboy hat the saboteur was currently wearing was tilted forward, shielding the top of his face almost as much as his blue visor. Prowl couldn't help but smile when he realized the transformers sized hat had holes his stubby horns peeked through.

Suddenly, the saboteur pushed the chair away a little more and spun around, tipping the hat up with a black finger as he flashed a cheeky grin. "Hi there, Sheriff."

Prowl arched an optic ridge.

hound, bumblebee, optimus prime, prowl, red alert, jazz, mirage, bluestreak, challenges, trailbreaker, mikaela, inferno, 2007verse, sam, wheeljack, grimlock

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