Not so happy with this one DX

May 28, 2008 06:05

Title: The Color of Touch - White Lace (Part 4 out of 6)
Rating: R just in case
Warnings: Fluff and Teasing.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Carly, Sari, mention of Spike and Red Alert.
Prompt: For the May Challenge of the ProwlxJazz community. "Six very sexy fabrics - lace."
Notes: Yes, I'm teasing you all with the lack of smut, sorry! I named the puppy as a homage to TFA, not because I dislike Sari (quite the contrary!). And before anyone questions it, I actually tested what I did to Jazz on my dad's Cirrus. This piece is G1.

Not Beta'ed so feel free to correct me.

Jazz watched quietly the young human girl moving from one side of the room to another in pursuit of a copper colored puppy.

"Goodness!" Carly groaned and managed to catch the puppy, engaging with it in a struggle for a plastic bag. "Sari, let it go. Now."

The puppy, Sari, whinned but released the bag, wagging her tail.

"Good girl," Carly smiled and stroked the puppy's head, setting her back down in the ground, and handing her a chewing toy.

Jazz couldn't help but chuckle with fond amusement. "Energetic ain't she?"

"You have no idea," Carly replied softly, struggling to open the bag she retrieved from her pet. "Today is so not my day." Carly sighed in defeat and shot a glare to the accursed bag.

"Let me." Jazz smiled and reached for the bag, carefully ripping the top open. The saboteur couldn't help himself and cast a peek inside, raising an optic ridge. "What is this thing?"

"It's a garter." The human girl watched the saboteur extract the garment, looking it over curiously, then stretching it.

"What do ya do with these?" Jazz asked with genuine interest as he brushed a finger along the lace trimming the accessory while he stretched it.

"Certainly not what you're doing! Give me that!" Carly replied flustered, climbing up his leg in a few quick strides, and snatched the garter. "It's supposed to be part of a tradition dealing with weddings. The bride has to wear something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue. It's supposed to attract good fortune for the newly weds."

"An' this is...?"

"Something blue." Carly lifted the garment once more to allow the saboteur to see the band of blue framed by the frilly lace. "Also, the groom is supposed to take this off the bride, toss it away and whoever male guest catches it is supposedly going to be the next to get married."

Jazz tilted his head curiously but nodded.

"Can you pass me those bags, Jazz?"

The saboteur smiled and complied, handing the plastic bags to the human girl. Carly opened the bags and began to retrieve long strings of lace along with bigger and wider pieces he identified as appliques.

"Goodness!" The girl huffed angrily, finding several of the strings of lace wrapped in knots and tangled with one another. "Just my luck."

"I can help with that if you want?" Jazz offered with a smile, knowing full well how easily the ever patient Carly could grow frustrated with anything related to her wedding these days.

"I'd really appreciate it, Jazz." The girl smiled and handed the tangled lace to the saboteur. "I need to go to and find Spike, to discuss a couple of things about the wedding. Could you look after Sari for a little bit?"

"Of course," Jazz replied with a charming smile while he began to sort through the mess of lace in his hands. "We'll be just fine."


Prowl sighed heavily, going over and over through a list of things Red Alert wanted him to confirm in order to clear security. Prowl still didn't understand Why Spike's bachelor's party had to be held in the Ark. "This wedding is going to be my doom."

The tactician stopped outside of his and Jazz's shared quarters, entered the access, stepped inside and then froze for a moment.

Standing in the middle of the room was his beloved saboteur, loosely decorated with strings of lace tangled all over his upper body, even his horns had been adorned with some lace hanging down from them. Jazz's arms were suspended a little below his bumper, again, completely wrapped with lace.

"What happened, here?" Prowl arched an optic ridge, staring at the Porsche currently doing a very good impersonation of a Christmas tree or a Cybertronian mummy.

"Sari happened." Jazz replied sheepishly.

"Ah." Prowl scanned the room and found a pair of chocolate brown eyes peering from behind his large desk. The puppy immediately darted from behind her hiding place, intending to administrate some of her canine love upon the Datsun.

"Sari." Prowl spoke loud and firmly, making the puppy stop her race, skidding gracelessly to a stop, and proceeded to whine, giving the tactician her best miserable expression, but Prowl didn't relent. "Go back to play, Sari."

The puppy whined again, trying to extract at least some petting from the Datsun.

"Sari." Prowl warned with a stern look and the puppy finally gave up, trotting unhappily towards her pile of toys and proceeded to take her disappointment out on one of her chewing toys.

"Man, how can ya resist her?" Jazz chuckled but remained exactly where he was in the same position.

"She would be better behaved if nobody rewarded her bad behavior." Prowl headed for his desk and took a seat, glaring heatedly at the data pad in his hand. He just didn't want to go through that damned list anymore.

"Guess that's true. But she's still too slaggin' cute t'resist, man." Jazz sighed and fidgeted a little in his place, but still remained where he was.

After a few minutes studying the data pad and the list in it, the tactician suddenly noticed his mate had been standing as still as he could in the same place. "Jazz?" He asked, concerned.

"'Fraid ta move, here." Jazz beamed a sheepish grin to his lover, pointing to the lace on his shoulder with a finger, trying to move the least possible as he did.

Prowl cast a quizzical look at the saboteur's shoulder and quickly understood the reason behind Jazz's current behavior. The lace was beginning to slip into the seams of his armor, in between any little space where the thin material could sneak. If Jazz tried to move he risked to dip the material further into the seams and could damage it or rip it completely.

"How do you manage to get yourself into these situations, Jazz?" Prowl asked with an obvious hint of amusement.

"Hey, that was Sari's fault this time!" Jazz huffed and immediately regretted it, feeling a couple of strings of lace slipping further into the seams between his hood and his shoulders. "Ah, slag it! Carly's gonna kick my aft!"

"I suspect that would be very painful for her," Prowl's amused smile widened.

"Ya know what I mean," Jazz replied with feigned annoyance.

The Datsun shook his head and pushed his chair back, patting his lap. "Come here."

Jazz watched his mate curiously for a moment before he did as he was told, sitting carefully on his mate's lap.

"Now, stay still." Prowl instructed and looked the saboteur over for a moment, running his white fingers over the lace in search of one of the ends of the many strings of lace currently restraining his mate. After a little deliberation Prowl reached for one of the strings and carefully began to unwrap the material from Jazz's body.

Jazz remained quiet as Prowl diligently unwrapped the lace, being mindful of the delicate material as he pulled it out of any armor seams or joints. The soft ghosting of Prowl's hands over his plating felt so good and relaxing that Jazz couldn't help but relax his posture, and his engine purred softly.

Prowl seemed to ignore this, concentrated in removing the soft and delicate lace without damaging it or accidentally getting it dirty. Every touch was brief, like a soft whisper brushing against his back, chest or arms, and occasionally his neck --Jazz had managed to make himself quite a few lace chokers in his endeavors with Sari.

So relaxed and completely under the tactician's spell, Jazz could barely register when a hand sneaked across his abdomen, trying to remove a piece of the lace that sneaked into the seam in between the underside of his bumper and his abdomen. When those white fingers brushed a little firmer against his plating the saboteur let out a soft moan and snapped to attention, looking at his mate.

Prowl's optics met his gaze with a quirked optic ridge. "Enjoying yourself I see."

"Can't help it if ya're just that good, Prowler," Jazz smiled unrepentant. "I can't never get enough of those hands of yours all over me."

"Is that so?" Prowl chuckled and tilted his head back a little, observing his work so far. While he had removed most of the pieces that forbid Jazz to move his head and shoulders freely, his arms were still wrapped in lace and there were still a few strings wrapped around his shoulders and neck, managing to restrict his movement still.

"Jus' the truth, love," Jazz replied with a cheeky grin and stilled as best as he could to allow his lover to continue his work.

Prowl observed Jazz for a moment and a downright evil smirk spread across his lip components. With deliberate brief touches the tactician resumed his work, making sure to brush his hands and fingers against Jazz's plating, just enough to let his presence be felt, but not enough to be savored.

"Teasin' me aren't ya?" Jazz sighed softly, shivering involuntarily as the softest, most brief of touches ghosted over his sensitive horns.

"Am I?"

"Fraggin' right you are," Jazz arched a little as the hot air released through Prowl's intakes brushed against the back of his neck.

"I don't believe I am." the tactician's hands moved around his lover's body, removing more pieces of the lace and making sure to caress his mate's chassis with the soft material. "I'm merely doing a service to our good friend, Carly. Someone has to salvage her lace."

Jazz moaned softly as Prowl's carefully modulated voice reached his audios. "So considerate, lover." Jazz didn't bother to restrain the groan that followed his words.

"I'd like to think I am," Prowl murmured softly against Jazz's audio while his hands continued to unwrap the saboteur.

Before Jazz could even reply, a whine claimed his attention and turned his head to look down at Sari who looked at them with interest.

"Forgot she was here," Prowl chuckled and nuzzled Jazz's neck apologetically, beginning to unwrap the material a little faster, the playfulness of his touch all but gone.

"Way t'kill the mood, Sari." Jazz sighed heavily but laughed softly when the puppy covered her head with her paws and whinned. Prowl couldn't help but chuckle as well.


"Yeah?" As the lace around his arms loosened, the saboteur began to help his mate to remove the material.

"Lace makes a good wrapping for you."

Jazz turned around to look at the Datsun and laughed softly, "I'll keep it in mind, Prowler." the saboteur leaned in to kiss his mate but stopped cold when another soft whine resonated in the room.

Both Prowl and Jazz dared a look to the puppy who was, once again, looking at them with interest, following every move. "Sari!" the Datsun and Porsche cried at unison while the puppy drooped her head and covered her head with her paws again.

prowlxjazz, jazz, pxj challenges: may 08, prowl

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