The Bunny is still alive and kickin'

Mar 14, 2008 22:56

Title: Honey, Prime, I shrunk the Kids Officers!
Chapter: 14 - Johnny Inferno Be Good.
Rating: PG 13 - Humor.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Hound x Mirage, Inferno x Red Alert, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak.
Summary: When one of Wheeljack's experiments blows up, the consequences take their toll on the Ark's crew.
Notes: Inferno gets his turn at being a sparklingsitter.

Thanks to nkfloofiepoof for beta reading this for me and her help with the baby speech.



"No. No. No. No. Let me say it just once more: no!" Inferno crossed his arms and stomped his foot for extra emphasis. "I'm not goin' anywhere with all of them! The others will have my platin' if anythin' happens to them! Besides, I don't think Prime will be too happy about takin' the sparklings to the human city." The fire engine pointed at the group of sparklings playing happily in the playpen.

"I promised I would be there for the inauguration, and I can't leave Eject and Rewind alone with them now that they can take some steps," Blaster explained as calmly as he could, ignoring the nibbling on his foot courtesy of Sideswipe.


"Ya should have thought about that before accepting that invitation!" Inferno ignored the sparkling Datsun who was trying to get his attention. "I ain't goin' anywhere with all five of them. I can barely keep up with Red!"


"But you're not going to be alone! You're just going to help Eject and Rewind." Blaster, too, ignored Prowl's calls. "I wouldn't ask you if anyone else was available. Please, Inferno!"


Prowl frowned and watched the adult Autobots, too involved in their discussion to pay him attention. The baby Datsun turned his attention back to Red Alert who had managed to sneak away from the playpen and was heading for the bar area of the recreation room on wobbly steps.

The stuck-as-sparkling tactician looked back to Inferno and Blaster who were still discussing, and the raising volume of their discussion only meant things were getting worse. Frustrated and annoyed, Prowl gave a quick glance around the pen. [,] Sideswipe was still happily nibbling on Blaster's foot, Eject was busy keeping up with Mirage, and Rewind was busy with Perceptor.

With no capable cassette to attend to his calls, Prowl crawled to his pile of blocks, grabbed one, crawled back to Blaster's feet, and tried to call Inferno once more. When his calls, once again, were ignored, the sparkling tactician took aim and tossed the block as hard as his little arm would allow.

"I'm not goin', Blaster - deal with --ooff!" The fire engine rubbed his nose where the block hit him and turned to glare to whoever threw the offending item at him. "What the slag, Prowl?"

Prowl glared at him with an adorably annoyed frown of his own and pointed towards the bar area. "Red!"

Inferno looked over to where the baby Datsun was pointing and immediately scrambled after Red Alert who was trying to climb one of the stools. "Frag damn it, Red!" The fire truck picked up the sparkling hurriedly and scolded the baby Lamborghini.

"Frag!" Prowl cried and threw his little arms up just like he had seen Smokescreen do many times before.

"For Primus' sake, Prowl, stop cussing!" Inferno groaned as he made his way back to the playpen but kept Red Alert in his arms, not trusting the adventurous little Countach to stay within the pen.

"If Jazz asks, I'm not taking the blame." Blaster crossed his arms and grinned mischievously.

"You're not tryin' to blackmail me are ya?"

Blaster's grin grew wider.

"Fine! I'll go with ya." Inferno huffed angrily and sat Red Alert on his shoulder though he kept a hand around his middle to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"Eject, Rewind, gather the sparklings. We're off to the inauguration of that '50s cafe!" The orange mech smiled happily and finally deigned Sideswipe with his attention, picking up the sparkling gently by his middle.

Eject picked Prowl up and followed Blaster and Inferno out with Rewind in tow.

Once outside the Ark, Inferno handed Red Alert to Rewind and transformed, allowing Blaster and the cassette twins to sit on the roof of his cab with the sparklings in their arms. "Hold on tight!"

The drive to the city was relatively peaceful; the sparklings enjoyed the ride, and admittedly, Inferno actually felt quite happy he was able to make the sparklings happy with the trip.

When the group finally reached the city, he followed Blaster's directions to reach the cafe where he was the special guest who would inaugurate the establishment. A large crowd was already awaiting the guest of honor whose triumphant entrance prompted the collective cheering of all present.

Blaster hopped down from Inferno's roof and handed the sparkling Sideswipe to his cassettes while he made his way to the doors of the cafe where he greeted the owner and stood aside to allow the human to begin his inauguration speech.

Shortly after, the human handed a large pair of scissors to the towering orange mech. Blaster took hold of the ribbon blocking the doors and cut it, officially opening the establishment for business.

After the round of cheering and applause, Blaster followed the owner inside with Inferno, Eject, and Rewind close behind. The cafe was pretty large and had a very tall ceiling which allowed Blaster and Inferno to move around comfortably without having to bend or crouch.

The owner pointed to a large stage set up for a band to play there, probably during the nights. The communications officer took that as his cue and rushed to the stage, plugging the larger speakers into one of his jacks and transformed, 'blaring the tunes' he prepared the night before.

Inferno sat close by but away enough from the stage, keeping Red Alert and Sideswipe sitting in his lap while Rewind and Eject took advantage of their smaller size and occupied a table next to Inferno, setting Prowl, Mirage, and Perceptor on the table so the sparklings could watch the humans dancing.

After a few songs, Inferno felt something on his leg and looked down to see Red Alert bouncing on his little aft at the rhythm of the music. "And here I thought ya didn't like to dance, Red."

Red Alert looked up to Inferno and flailed his little arms, clicking happily as he tried to stand up on the fire engine's legs so he could bounce like the humans were.

"Hey guys, think you could look after Sideswipe for a moment?" Inferno handed the red sparkling twin to Blaster's cassettes and set Red Alert down on his little feet while he sat on his legs and took hold of the sparkling security director beginning to lead the baby Lamborghini as if they were dancing.

The other sparklings watched with interest. Prowl fluttered his wings almost to the beat of the music, swaying his upped body from side to side, merely 'feeling the rhythm'. Sideswipe, Mirage, and Perceptor were swaying as well, clapping and clicking happily.

A couple of songs later, Red Alert decided he had enough and flopped to the ground, crawling to curl on Inferno's lap. "I think we should get goin'. Red looks ready for some energon and a good recharge."

"Blaster should be done soon." Rewind began to gather the sparklings. Sideswipe was already in recharge. Perceptor was using the red twin as a pillow, and Mirage looked thoroughly annoyed by now, still awake but definitely running low on energy. Prowl didn't look sleepy at all though. He was too busy pulling paper napkins out of the silvery dispenser placed against the wall.

When the last song died down, Blaster transformed again and bid a good evening to the crowd, hopped down the stage, and headed for the exit. Inferno and the cassette twins followed --after Eject managed to pry Prowl away from the napkin dispenser.


"Man, why are human ambassadors so borin'?" Jazz groaned and walked into the recreation room with Ironhide, Bluestreak, Sunstreaker, Hound, and several minibots.

"Beats me, Jazz. I don't know how Prowl can handle these guys." Ironhide headed straight for the energon dispenser, knowing Perceptor was more than likely already recharging in his and Ratchet's quarters.

"Jass!" Prowl, who was still online, threw his arms up in the air again.

"Hey there; miss me?" Jazz grinned tiredly and headed for the play pen to pick up his stuck-as-sparkling mate. "Had fun today?"

Prowl tilted his head and patted the saboteur's face.

"Thanks for lookin' after him, Blaster." Jazz gave a high five to the orange mech. "Hope ya didn't miss that inauguration."

"Nah, Inferno helped me to look after them. I think he had a good time, too." Blaster pointed towards one of the couches at the other end of the room where Inferno was laying down, soundly in recharge with Red Alert laying on his chest also in recharge. Jazz chuckled.

"So, got me a souvenir, Prowler?" Jazz asked as he began to carry his sparkling Datsun away.

Prowl looked at him curiously and plucked something from a small crevice around his neck which he handed to the Porsche. "Nakkin'?"

Jazz raised an optic ridge behind his visor and accepted the offered diminutive piece of paper. "Very thoughtful of ya, baby," Jazz chuckled and nuzzled the sparkling's cheek, carrying him to his room. He'd have to ask Blaster or Inferno about that napkin some other time.

sideswipe, shrunk the officers, prowl, red alert, inferno, fan fiction, jazz, mirage, blaster, perceptor, cassettes

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