More gifts for friends.

Mar 11, 2008 18:10

Title: Ordinary World - I will learn to survive - for nkfloofiepoof
Rating: G
Warnings: Drama.
Pairings: Eject x Frenzy (Not brothers in this instance, kthx.)
Characters: Read above.
Summary: Some times the similarities between rivals can out weight the differences.
Notes: It seems a few people in my friends list in the TF fandom are either sick or going through some bad times, so, I wrote a few dabbles for them. I know these are small and insignificant, and certainly won't solve the problems, but I do hope they at least bring a little smile -considering some of these aren't the happiest of cookies. More to come.

It wasn't often Eject felt this kind of tugging in his spark, even less often for this feeling to be triggered by a Decepticon of all possible beings in the universe.

But there he was, sitting next to Frenzy, whose expression was nothing if not the perfect physical manifestation of unhappiness. Neither spoke the whole time they sat together, no words could ever convey their emotions.

Frenzy leaned tentatively against the rival cassette's shoulder, and when Eject made no movement to pull away, the Decepticon leaned his full weight against his rival.

Eject couldn't fully understand what compelled him to wrap an arm around Frenzy's shoulders, and allow him to lean against him. All he knew was how right it felt to do it, and how the simple action seemed to ease Frenzy's troubled expression. Minutes went by, and Frenzy finally explained himself. How Rumble had been beaten and attacked by the Triple Changers --his own fault, Frenzy admitted, but that didn't make it any less hurtful to watch his twin subject to such violence. Only Soundwave's intervention had kept his twin from going into stasis lock from the severity of his injuries.

And there he was, away from the Nemesis, unable to see his beaten twin any longer --Frenzy couldn't stand the sight.

Eject couldn't help but sympathize, were his own twin, Rewind, in such situation, Eject was certain his reaction would have been similar to Frenzy's.

The Autobot cassette pulled Frenzy a little closer, sharing the common knowledge of how much their bonds to their respective twins could affect them. Eject would go insane if anything happened to Rewind, he was certain Frenzy would go through the same.

It was then in that knowledge, that both rivals unknowingly formed a bond of their own, of respect and sympathy for each other, of understanding. Without speaking a single word, Eject fired his weapon and marked a nearby rock formation with a Cybertronian glyph in open invitation. If Frenzy ever needed him again, this would be their meeting spot.

Frenzy retrieved one of the rifles on his back that formed his diminutive wings, and marked the same rock with a different glyph, accepting the invitation. The black and white cassette set his rifle aside, not bothering to attach it back to his back, and wrapped both arms around Eject, leaning against him and just reveling in the feeling of comfort. He didn't know what Soundwave would think of him for what he was doing, or what he had agreed to just few moments before, but at the time, he couldn't bring himself to care.

gift fics, eject, frenzy

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